

Simplified study plan Cinema and Digital Media - Cinematography

Study of qualification: Cinema and Digital Media FAMU International
Study programme: Film, Television and Photography Study type: Continuing Master's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
Code Course Name Completion Credits
1. semester
311TQ1 Camera Techniques 1 Z 1
311CAST Casting Directing Z 2
311CD1 Cinema Dance 1 Z 4
311CTU1 Cinematography Tutorial 1 Z 4
311CC1 Czech Cinema 1 ZK 2
311EXS Exponometry and Sensitometry Z 3
311FDL1 Film and Digital Laboratory 1 ZK 2
311HIC (Hi)story in Cinema ZK 2
311ITD1 Idea and topic developement 1 Z 2
311LR Location Reading Z 2
311NMH1 New Media History 1 ZK 2
311ORCZ Orientation Week: Survival Czech Z 1
311PGI1 Photographic Imaging 1 ZK 2
311SAE Soundtrack Aesthetics Z 2
311SLEA1 Studio Lighting Exercise - "Anticorro" 1 Z 3
311SUCZ Survival Czech ZK 2
311WACA1 Working with Actors 1 Z 1
311DR Double Role Z 2
311EW Exponometry Workshop Z 1
311FASC Fascination with Prague/Fictive Reportage Z 1
311KISS First Kiss Z 3
311STA Setting the Table Z 1
311SLEA1 Studio Lighting Exercise - "Anticorro" 1 Z 3
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester 45
2. semester
311AOFP Assistance on FAMU projects Z 2
311TQ2 Camera Techniques 2 Z 1
311CD2 Cinema Dance 2 Z 4
311CTU2 Cinematography Tutorial 2 Z 4
311CC2 Czech Cinema 2 ZK 2
311EEX Exponometry Excercise ZK 2
311FAS FAMU assignment Z 4
311FDL2 Film and Digital Laboratory 2 ZK 2
311IS Introduction to the Soundrack Z 2
311NMH2 New Media History 2 ZK 2
311PGI2 Photographic Imaging 2 ZK 2
311PRA2 Practical Analysis 2 ZK 2
311SLEA2 Studio Lighting Exercise - "Anticorro" 2 ZK 10
311SUR Surrealism Z 2
311HFS The History of Film Space ZK 3
311WACA2 Working with Actors 2 Z 1
311AOFP Assistance on FAMU projects Z 2
311EEX Exponometry Excercise ZK 2
311FAS FAMU assignment Z 4
311FCO1 Final Commission 1 ZK 6
311SLF Studio Lighting - 35 mm Z 2
311SLEA2 Studio Lighting Exercise - "Anticorro" 2 ZK 10
311TRIA The Triangle Z 4
311TVIE TV Studio Introduction and Excersise Z 2
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester 59
3. semester
311ANPA1 Art, Narrativity, Politics and Aesthetics 1 Z 2
311CTU3 Cinematography Tutorial 3 Z 4
311FSF Film Style and Form ZK 3
311ITD2 Idea and topic developement 2 Z 2
311NMH1 New Media History 1 ZK 2
311PA3 Practical Analysis 3 ZK 2
311PPDR Pedagogical Practicum - DOUBLE ROLE Z 1
311PHO Photo Exercise - Color in Drama Z 1
311IDS Power of Imagination / Documentary project / Short Fiction Z 2
311COMP Subtractive Color Composition Z 1
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
4. semester
311ANPA2 Art, Narrativity, Politics and Aesthetics 2 ZK 3
311CTU4 Cinematography Tutorial 4 Z 4
311NMH2 New Media History 2 ZK 2
311WD Workshop in Dramaturgy Z 2
311FCO2 Final Commission 2 ZK 6
311LD Location Drama Z 2
311PPWF Pedagogical Practicum - Watching Films Z 1
311ETUDE 35mm Film Exercise - Color Etude Z 3
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
5. semester
311CTU5 Cinematography Tutorial 5 Z 4
311NMH1 New Media History 1 ZK 2
311PGP Seminar on Producing Graduation Project Z 1
311THES1 Thesis Mentorship 1 Z 3
311GRA1 Graduation Project 1 Z 5
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
6. semester
311CTU6 Cinematography Tutorial 6 Z 4
311NMH2 New Media History 2 ZK 2
311THES2 Thesis Mentorship 2 Z 2
311GRA2 Graduation Project 2 Z 5
311CAM 35mm Camera Exercise Z 4
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Generated on 2013-06-03
Updates of the above given information can be found at