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Zjednodušený studijní plán Cinema and Digital Media - Screenwriting-2014

Studijní obor: Cinema and Digital Media FAMU International
Studijní program: Film, Television and Photography Typ studia: Navazující magisterské
Studijní plán: celkový | 1. ročník | 2. ročník | 3. ročník | zjednodušený
Kód Název předmětu Zakončení Kredity
1. semestr
311CNW Czech New Wave ZK 3
311FSC1 Feature Screenwriting 1 Z 3
311HIC (Hi)story in Cinema ZK 2
311ITD1 Idea and topic developement 1 Z 2
311ORW Orientation Week Z 4
311PRAN Practical Analysis 1 Z 2
311SCT1 Screenwriting Tutorial 1 Z 4
311SA1 Script Analysis 1 Z 3
311SBCS Storyboarding Z 1
311SYW Synchronization Week Z 4
Cinema Dance
Electives Recommended for 1st Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 2nd Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 3rd Grade of Screenwriting
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
2. semestr
311ART Art Directing - Case Studies Z 1
311FSC2 Feature Screenwriting 2 Z 3
311FFCS Film Festivals - Case Studies Z 1
311FCO1 Final Commission 1 ZK 6
311ISCC1 Individual Script Consultation 1 Z 1
311SCT2 Screenwriting Tutorial 2 Z 4
311SA2 Script Analysis 2 ZK 3
311HFS The History of Film Space ZK 3
Cinema Dance
Electives Recommended for 1st Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 2nd Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 3rd Grade of Screenwriting
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
3. semestr
311DTU3 Directing Tutorial 3 Z 4
311FSC3 Feature Screenwriting 3 Z 3
311FPCS Film Production - Case Studies Z 1
311GRA1 Graduation Project 1 Z 5
Cinema Dance
Electives Recommended for 1st Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 2nd Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 3rd Grade of Screenwriting
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
4. semestr
311FSC4 Feature Screenwriting 4 Z 3
311FCO2 Final Commission 2 ZK 6
311GRA2 Graduation Project 2 Z 5
311ISCC2 Individual Script Consultation 2 Z 1
311HFS The History of Film Space ZK 3
311TRIA The Triangle Z 4
311TS Thesis Seminar Z 2
311WD Workshop in Dramaturgy Z 2
Cinema Dance
Electives Recommended for 1st Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 2nd Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 3rd Grade of Screenwriting
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
5. semestr
311DTU5 Directing Tutorial 5 Z 4
311FOC Focus On Film History Z 2
311THES1 Thesis Mentorship 1 Z 3
Cinema Dance
Electives Recommended for 1st Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 2nd Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 3rd Grade of Screenwriting
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
6. semestr
311FOCT Focus on Film Theory Z 2
311ISCC3 Individual Script Consultation 3 Z 1
311HFS The History of Film Space ZK 3
311THES2 Thesis Mentorship 2 Z 2
Cinema Dance
Electives Recommended for 1st Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 2nd Grade of Screenwriting
Electives Recommended for 3rd Grade of Screenwriting
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30
Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2015