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FAMU International

Zajišťované obory a studijní plány

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Vyučující zakončení kredity rozsah zakončení kredity rozsah
311HIC (Hi)story in Cinema anglicky ZK 2 2/T Zapsat
311MKIA Abbas Kiarostami and the Iranian Cinema Phenomenon anglicky Zapsat
311APPF Academy Preparation Program Final Project anglicky ZK 5 Zapsat
311AS1 Acting Studio 1 anglicky ZK 2 2/T ZK 2 2/T Zapsat
311AS2 Acting Studio 2 anglicky ZK 2 2/T Zapsat
311TA1 Acting Theories 1 anglicky ZK 3 2/T ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311TA2 Acting Theories 2 anglicky ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311MADA Advanced Directing Actors - Jerry Coyle´ workshop anglicky Z 3 3/D Z 3 3/D Zapsat
311ART Art Directing - Case Studies anglicky Z 1 10/s Zapsat
311CWLE Camera workshop - Lighting exercise anglicky Z 2 Zapsat
311CEW Central European Cinemas within the Context of the World Cinema anglicky ZK 3 5/T ZK 3 5/T Zapsat
311MCOW Christian Farrell: CINEMA OF THE WILD anglicky Z 2 3/D Zapsat
311CD1 Cinema Dance 1 anglicky Z 4 4/D Zapsat
311CD2 Cinema Dance 2 anglicky Z 4 4/D Zapsat
311CITY Cinema and the City anglicky ZK 3 2h/W Zapsat
311CONS Cinematographers Consultations
anglicky Z 1 18h/S Předmět není vypsán
311CI Cinematographer´s Influence anglicky ZK 3 2/T ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311CMCI Circulating within The Modern Cinematic Image anglicky ZK 4 4/T Zapsat
311CPCI Circulating within The Postmodern Cinematic Image anglicky ZK 4 4/T Zapsat
311MCDT Creative Documentary Today anglicky Z 3 4/D Zapsat
311CTP1 Cultural Topography of Prague 1 anglicky Z 1 25/S Zapsat
311CTP2 Cultural Topography of Prague 2 anglicky Z 1 25/S Zapsat
311CNW Czech New Wave ZK 3 4h/W Zapsat
311DSLR1 DSLR Workshop for Cinematographers anglicky Z 1 24h/S Zapsat
311MDAC Directing Actors - Jerry Coyle´ workshop anglicky Z 3 3/D Z 3 3/D Zapsat
311DTU1 Directing Tutorial 1 anglicky Z 4 3/T Zapsat
311DTU2 Directing Tutorial 2 anglicky Z 4 3/T Zapsat
311DTU3 Directing Tutorial 3 anglicky Z 4 3/T Zapsat
311DTU4 Directing Tutorial 4 anglicky Z 4 3/T Zapsat
311DTU5 Directing Tutorial 5 anglicky Z 4 3/T Zapsat
311DTU6 Directing Tutorial 6 anglicky Z 4 3/T Zapsat
311DOC Documentary anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311DCC Documentary: Connection Course anglicky Z 3 2/T Zapsat
311DR Double Role anglicky Z 2 Zapsat
311DRAPP Double Role - Academy Preparation Program anglicky Z 2 Zapsat
311EP1 Editing Practice 1 anglicky Z 2 3h/2W Zapsat
311EP2 Editing Practice 2 anglicky Z 1 12/S Zapsat
311EFA European Film Analysis anglicky ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311FASC Fascination with Prague/Fictive Reportage anglicky Z 1 Zapsat
311FSC1 Feature Screenwriting 1 anglicky Z 3 2/T Zapsat
311FSC2 Feature Screenwriting 2 anglicky Z 3 20S Zapsat
311FSC3 Feature Screenwriting 3 anglicky Z 3 2/T Zapsat
311FSC4 Feature Screenwriting 4 anglicky Z 3 20S Zapsat
311FFCS Film Festivals - Case Studies anglicky Z 1 10S Zapsat
311FM Film Music anglicky Z 2 16S Zapsat
311FPCS Film Production - Case Studies anglicky Z 1 12S Zapsat
311FR Film Report anglicky Z 2 Zapsat
311FSF Film Style and Form anglicky ZK 3 4/T ZK 3 4/T Zapsat
311MCOMP Film music - collaboration between composer and director anglicky Z 1 1/2d Zapsat
311UNF Filming The Unfilmable anglicky Z 2 2h/w Zapsat
311FCO1 Final Commission 1 anglicky ZK 6 Zapsat
311FCO2 Final Commission 2 anglicky ZK 6 Zapsat
311FDP Final Documentary Project anglicky Z 5 Zapsat
311F16 Final Project - 16mm anglicky Z 5 Zapsat
311F35 Final Project - 35mm anglicky Z 5 Zapsat
311FVI Final Project - Video anglicky Z 5 Zapsat
311KISS First Kiss anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311FOC Focus On Film History anglicky Z 2 2h/W Zapsat
311FOCT Focus on Film Theory anglicky Z 2 2h/W Zapsat
311MKKFI Getting to Know Each Other anglicky Z 1 1D Zapsat
311GRA1 Graduation Project 1 anglicky Z 5 Zapsat
311GRA2 Graduation Project 2 anglicky Z 5 Zapsat
311GL1 Guest Lecture 1 anglicky Z 1 3/T Zapsat
311GL2 Guest Lecture 2 anglicky Z 1 3/T Zapsat
311HAN History of Animation anglicky ZK 3 2/T ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311ITD1 Idea and topic developement 1 anglicky Z 2 10S Zapsat
311ISCC1 Individual Script Consultation 1 anglicky Z 1 12S Zapsat
311ISCC2 Individual Script Consultation 2 anglicky Z 1 12S Zapsat
311ISCC3 Individual Script Consultation 3 anglicky Z 1 12S Zapsat
311IIP Introduction to Intl Film/TV Producing anglicky Z 3 2/T Z 3 2/T Zapsat
311IS Introduction to the Soundrack anglicky Z 2 16h/S Zapsat
311JOUR Journal
anglicky Předmět není vypsán
311LD Location Drama anglicky Z 2 Zapsat
311LDS Location Drama for Screenwriters
anglicky Z 2 exerc Předmět není vypsán
311LDSS Location Drama for Screenwriters Seminar
anglicky Z 1 12 H Předmět není vypsán
311MWC1 Mentor Workshop: Cinematography 1 anglicky Zapsat
311MWC2 Mentor Workshop: Cinematography 2 anglicky ZK 5 4/T Zapsat
311MWD1 Mentor Workshop: Directing 1 anglicky Zapsat
311MWD2 Mentor Workshop: Directing 2 anglicky ZK 5 4/T Zapsat
311MWDO1 Mentor Workshop: Documentary 1 anglicky Z 5 4/T Zapsat
311MWDO2 Mentor Workshop: Documentary 2 anglicky ZK 5 4/T Zapsat
311MWP1 Mentor Workshop: Photography 1 anglicky Z 5 4h/W Zapsat
311MWP2 Mentor Workshop: Photography 2 anglicky Z 5 4h/W Zapsat
311TEAM1 Mentor Workshop: Production Team Studies 1 anglicky, česky Z 5 4/t Zapsat
311TEAM2 Mentor Workshop: Production Team Studies 2 anglicky, česky ZK 5 4/T Zapsat
311MWS1 Mentor Workshop: Screenwriting 1 anglicky Z 5 4/W Zapsat
311MWS2 Mentor Workshop: Screenwriting 2 anglicky ZK 5 4/W Zapsat
311MMES Mis-en-scene in Authorial Cinema anglicky Z 2 1/D Zapsat
311NCC Nature and City in the Cinema anglicky ZK 2 2/T ZK 2 2/T Zapsat
311NMH1 New Media History 1 anglicky ZK 2 4/T Zapsat
311NMH2 New Media History 2 anglicky ZK 2 4/T Zapsat
311ORW Orientation Week anglicky Z 4 5/D Zapsat
311PGI1 Photographic Imaging 1 anglicky ZK 2 2/T ZK 2 2/T Zapsat
311NARR Photonarration anglicky Zapsat
311PIXI Pixilation anglicky Z 2 16S Zapsat
311POR Portrait anglicky Z 4 Zapsat
311PDOP Portrait (DoP) anglicky Z 4 Zapsat
311PRAN Practical Analysis 1 anglicky Z 2 2/T Zapsat
311PTS16 Production Team Studies: Academy Preparation Program Final Project 16 mm anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311PTS35 Production Team Studies: Academy Preparation Program Final Project 35 mm Z 3 Zapsat
311PTSDSLR Production Team Studies: Academy Preparation Program Final Project DSLR anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311PTSD Production Team Studies: Documentary anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311DRAS Production Team Studies: Double Role anglicky Z 2 Zapsat
311PTSFK Production Team Studies: First Kiss anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311PTSLD Production Team Studies: Location Drama anglicky Z 2 Zapsat
311PTSP Production Team Studies: Portrait anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311PTSSF Production Team Studies: Short Fiction anglicky Z 4 Zapsat
311PTST Production Team Studies: Triangle anglicky Z 4 Zapsat
311MHM Ronald Bergan: The Hollywood Musical: The Golden Era (1927-1958) anglicky Z 2 2/D Zapsat
311SCT1 Screenwriting Tutorial 1 anglicky Z 4 3/T Zapsat
311SCT2 Screenwriting Tutorial 2
anglicky Z 4 3/T Předmět není vypsán
311SA1 Script Analysis 1 anglicky Z 3 2/T Z 3 2/T Zapsat
311SA2 Script Analysis 2 anglicky ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311PRINC Script Principles anglicky Z 1 12h/S Zapsat
311SF Short Fiction anglicky Z 3 Zapsat
311SFP1 Short Film Practical Analysis: Directing 1 anglicky ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311SFP2 Short Film Practical Analysis: Directing 2 anglicky ZK 3 24S Zapsat
311SS Soundscape anglicky Z 1 Zapsat
311SAE Soundtrack Aesthetics anglicky Z 2 2/T Zapsat
311SBCS Storyboarding anglicky Z 1 10/S Zapsat
311SUR Surrealism anglicky Z 2 2/T Zapsat
311CZAP Survival Czech - Orientation Week anglicky Z 1 10S Zapsat
311SYW Synchronization Week anglicky Z 4 5D Zapsat
311HFS The History of Film Space anglicky ZK 3 20/S Zapsat
311RM1 The Realm of Montage 1 anglicky Z 3 3/T Zapsat
311RM2 The Realm of Montage 2 anglicky ZK 3 3/T Zapsat
311TRIA The Triangle anglicky Z 4 Zapsat
311THES1 Thesis Mentorship 1 anglicky Z 3 12S Zapsat
311THES2 Thesis Mentorship 2 anglicky Z 2 12S Zapsat
311TST1 Thesis Screenplay Tutorial 1
anglicky Z 2 4/S Předmět není vypsán
311TST2 Thesis Screenplay Tutorial 2 anglicky Z 2 8/S Zapsat
311TS Thesis Seminar anglicky Z 2 12S Zapsat
311MHOL Turning to Life: The Holocaust in the Cinema of Arnošt Lustig anglicky Z 2 2days Zapsat
311VT1 Visual Theory 1 anglicky ZK 3 2/T ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311VT2 Visual Theory 2 anglicky ZK 3 2/T Zapsat
311MART Who decides what is ART? anglicky Z 2 2D Zapsat
311WACA1 Working with Actors 1 anglicky Z 1 2/T Zapsat
311WACA2 Working with Actors 2 anglicky Z 1 2/T Zapsat
311WD Workshop in Dramaturgy anglicky Z 2 2/T Zapsat
Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2015