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Study plan Photography EN - Bachelor – 1st year

Study of qualification: Photography Department of Photography
Study programme: Film, Television, Photography, and New Media Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Qualification subjects
Basic Photo Chemistry 307EBCH1 ZK 2 2/T 307EBCH2 ZK 2 2/T
Basics of Typograhy and Indesign 307EZTI ZK 2
Computer Work and Digital Imaging 307ECW01 Z 1 26/S 307ECW2 ZK 3 26/S
Departmental Study Trips 307EDE1 Z 1 2/D
Exhibition Series 307EESE1 ZK 4 13/S
Final Commission (klauzura) 307EFC1 ZK 3
Form and Content of Art Work 307EFOV1 ZK 2 24/S 307EFOV2 ZK 2 28/S
Guest Lectures 307EPH1 Z 1 13/S 307EPH2 Z 1 13/S
History of Photography 307EHP1 ZK 2 4/T 307EHP2 ZK 2 4/T
Introduction to Study of Photography 307EISP Z 2 6/S
Introduction to Techniques of Photography 307EITE Z 2 13/S
Optical basis of Photography 307ETR1 Z 1 26/S 307ETRO2 ZK 2 26/S
Photography of Architecture 307EPA1 Z 1
Photography of Landscape 307EPL1 Z 1 307EPL2 ZK 2
Photography Techniques 307ETEFG01 Z 2 26/S 307ETEFG2 ZK 3 26/s
Semestral Theme of the Head of the Studio 307EST1 ZK 4 24/S
Studio of Classic Photography 1 307EAC1 ZK 4 24/S
Theory of Photography 307ETH1 Z 1 26/S 307ETH2 ZK 3 26/S
ATELIERS DP In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 20 credits (at most 0)
Offer Photography In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 3 credits (at most 6)
Works for Studio KF In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits (at most 0)
WORKSHOPS In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 29 27
Optional subjects
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 0 0
Total number of set credits 29 27
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 1 3
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30 30
Generated on 2015-06-16