- Email:
- Courses:
- (Course guarantor)
- (Course guarantor)
- Cultural Policy 1 (Course guarantor)
- Cultural Policy 2 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Project 1 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Project 1 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Project 1 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Project 2 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Project 2 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Seminar 3
- Graduation Theses Seminar 3 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Seminar 4 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Theses Seminar 4 (Course guarantor)
- Introduction to Tv Management 1 (Course guarantor)
- Management in the Information Society 1 (Course guarantor)
- Management of artistic processes (Course guarantor)
- Management of Human Relations 1 (Course guarantor)
- Managerial Information Science 1 (Course guarantor)
- Managerial Practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Managerial Practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Presentation and Media Skills 1 (Course guarantor)
- Private and public law in practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Producers in Arts 1 (Course guarantor)
- Production Practice I. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Production Practice II. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Production Practice II. 2 (Course guarantor)
- Production Practice II. 3 (Course guarantor)
- Project I. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Project II. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Project III. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Project IV. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Project Management 2 (Course guarantor)
- Project- Theatre Management 2 (Course guarantor)
- Project V. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Diploma thesis led and defended successfully:
- BcA. Čížek Jan – Organizace a provoz divadla Pražské konzervatoře v porovnání s Vyšší odbornou školou hereckou
- Vinařová Eliška – Jižák, Jižák - město snů
- Poláková Alexandra – Arts Council England
- BcA. Jirka Tomáš – ProCulture
- BcA.MgA. Chalupský Ondřej – CRM jako nástroj řízení nestátních neziskových organizací působících v kultuře
- MgA. Chrdle Milan – Dopady ekonomické krize na divadlo v ČR