Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
207DZA2 | ZK | 3 | 2T | Czech | summer |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Same as in the previous lectures on History of the Theatre in the Context of Western Culture.
Mode of study
Presentation, screening relevant audio-visual excerpts.
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Completion of Theatre History I 1.
Course contents
Theatre in the context of the development of Western culture 1 is intended for all first year students in all DAMU studies. The content of the lectures is to introduce the basic features of the developmental phases of European theatre from antiquity to Classicism. Experts in each phase give lectures.
Recommended or required reading
Reading list - Summer semester 2015/2016
Brockett: Dějiny divadla (příslušné kapitoly)
Carlson: Dejiny divadelných teórií (příslušné kapitoly)
Csáky: Dramatika viedenskej (vídeňské) moderny
Diderot: Paradox o herci (variantně: Herecký paradox)
Fischer-Lichte: Dejiny drámy (příslušné kapitoly)
Hugo: Předmluva ke Cromwellovi
Jurkowski: Proměny ikonosféry (příslušné kapitoly)
Krausová: Od Lessinga k Brechtovi (příslušné kapitoly)
Mikeš: Divadlo francouzského baroka
Raimund, Grillparzer, Nestroy: Vídeňské lidové divadlo: od Hanswursta Stranitzkého k Nestroyovi
Scheible: Dramatik Arthur Schnitzler In. A. Schnitzler: Hry I
Scherhaufer: Čítanka z dějin divadelnej réžie II
Augustová: ediční poznámky In: A. Schnitzler: Hry I a II
Augustová: Literatura jako herectví In: V hlavní roli text
Grusková: Mein lieber Pornograph - Arthur Schnitzler a jeho doba In. Divadelní revue 4/1995
Hilmera: Perspektivní scéna 17. a 18. století v Čechách
Kraus: Divadlo ve službách dramatu (kapitoly týkající se Marivauxe, Musseta, Nestroye)
Kučera: Moliére : moralista a posměváček
Lessing: Hamburská dramaturgie
Mikeš: Pět romantických siluet : poezie francouzského romantismu
Pelikán: Nástin dějin polské dramatiky
Preisner: Johann Nepomuk Nestroy - tvůrce tragické frašky
Procházka, Hrbata: Romantismus a romantismy : pojmy, proudy, kontexty
Štěpán: Stručný nástin dějinného vývoje polské literatury I
Vostrý: Prožívat, či hrát? In. O hercích a herectví
Beaumarchais: Figarova svatba
Büchner: Vojcek
Corneille: Cid
Goethe: Egmont, Faust
Goldoni: Sluha dvou pánů
Gozzi: Turandot
Grabbe: Don Juan a Faust
Gribojedov: Hoře z rozumu
Hofmannsthal: Bohatec a smrt (Jederman)
Hugo: Hernani
Kleist: Princ Bedřich Homburský
Krasiński: Komedie ne božská
Kraus: Poslední chvíle lidstva
Lermontov: Maškaráda
Lesssing: Emilia Galotti, Moudrý Nathan
Marivaux: Hra lásky a náhody
Moliére: Tartuffe, Don Juan
Musset: Lorenzaccio
Nestroy: Talisman
Puškin: Boris Godunov
Racine: Faidra
Raimund: Alpský král a nelida
Schiller: Loupežníci, Úklady a láska
Schnitzler: Rej, Krajina širá
Slowacki: Balladyna
Voltaire: Candide
Moliére: Tartuffe, Don Juan
Marivaux: Hra lásky a náhody
Beaumarchais: Figarova svatba
Voltaire: Candide
Goldoni: Sluha dvou pánů
Gozzi: Turandot
Lesssing: Mina z Barnhelmu
Schiller: Úklady a láska
Goethe: Faust
Kleist: Rozbitý džbán
Büchner: Vojcek
Hugo: Hernani
Musset: Lorenzaccio
Gribojedov: Hoře z rozumu
Puškin: Evžen Oněgin, Boris Godunov
Lermontov: Maškaráda
Gogol: Revizor
Ostrovskij: Bouře
Assessment methods and criteria
Exam is from lecture and the list of readings and is only oral.
The student is required to register for one of the three announced test dates.
The second re-take is in the presence of two instructors.
A registered student who does not excuse themselves and does not attend will receive a grade of FX.
Students not registering for any of the regular test dates will receive a grade of FX.
If a student is unsucessful in the regular or the two re-takes, they may request a dean's re-take date which is an exam before a commission.
If a student is not able to attend any exam dates (only in extenuating circumstances), they are to excuse themselves in writing at least one day prior to the testing instructor:
Further information
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Date | Day | Time | Tutor | Location | Notes | No. of paralel |
Wed | 09:00–10:30 | Eva KYSELOVÁ | Hallerův sál Karlova 26, Praha 1 |
lecture parallel1 |
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Dance Theory (Bc) (required subject with the possibility of repeat registration)
- Non-Verbal Theatre (Bc) (required subject with the possibility of repeat registration)
- Acting for Dramatic Theatre (M.A.) (optional subject)
- Directing and Dramaturgy for Dramatic Theatre (B.A.) (optional subject)
- Authorial Acting (B.A.) (required subject)
- Authorial Acting - 2 years (M.A.) (required optional subject)
- Stage Design - Costumes and Masks (M.A.) (optional subject)
- Stage Design (B.A.) (optional subject)
- Stage Design (M.A.) (optional subject)
- Acting for Alternative and Puppet Theatre (B.A.) (required subject)
- Directing and Dramaturgy for Alternative and Puppet Theatre (B.A.) (required subject)
- Stage Design for Alternative and Puppet Theatre (B.A.) (required subject)
- Drama in Education - full-time 3 years (B. A.) (required subject)
- Arts Management (B.A.) (required subject)
- Theory and criticism (B.A.) (required subject)