History of Theatre Seminar 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207SHD1 ZK 3 2T Czech winter

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

The aim of the study is to introduce the development of drama and theatre in the selected historical period and point out relationships between drama and theatre creations and the socio-political situation, development of audience tast, development of theatre technology, etc. An emphasis is placed on the role of the period poety and its influence on forming rules for drama. The course should help students, based on working with material, broaden and consolidate their knowledge acquired in the lecture cycle „The History of Theatre in Western Culture I“.

Mode of study

Presentation of and discussions over texts, Individual student research (ex: analysis of the staging tradition of the works of a given writer in Czech theatre), analysis of recorded stagings.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No knowledge requirements for registration.

Course contents

This course is focused on selected phases in the development of European (respectively, Western) theatre (antiquity, classicism, Elizabethan theatre, The Enlightenment). Based on analyses of drama texts and other assigned professional literature on the given period the course attempts to render the relationship between the social situation, drama creativity and theatre. The aim is to show the connection of individual European theatre traditions, their mutual influences and movements which occured in the acceptance of conventions (ex, shifts in the concepts of classicism with a view to its French, English and German variations).

Recommended or required reading

Brockett, O., Dějiny divadla

Aristoteles, Poetika

O umění básnickém a dramatickém (antologie, vybrané texty)

Dukore B.F, Dramatic Theory and Criticism: Greeks to Grotowski (antologie, vybrané texty)

Mikeš, V., Divadlo francouzského baroka

Bejblík A., Hornát J., Lukeš M., Alžbětinské divadlo I-III

Pavis, P., Divadelní slovník

Levý, J., Umění překladu

Diderot, Nemanželský syn

Beaumarchais, Esej o vážném dramatickém žánru, Předmluva k Figarově svatbě

Additional literature (Czech and foreign) and plays are assigned according to the intentions of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

room S410
Učebna S410 (DAMU)

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 09:00–10:30 Eva KYSELOVÁ Učebna S410 (DAMU)
Karlova 26, Praha 1

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans