Teacher's web page,
- Baroque Music Interpretation 1 (Course guarantor)
- Baroque Music Interpretation 2
- Baroque Music Interpretation 3 (Course guarantor)
- Baroque Music Interpretation 4 (Course guarantor)
- Chamber Music 7
- Chamber Music 8
- Concert Practice - Keyboard Instruments 1
- Concert Practice - Keyboard Instruments 2
- Concert Practice - Keyboard Instruments 3
- Concert Practice - Keyboard Instruments 4
- Didactics/Teaching Practical of Harpsichord 1
- Didactics/Teaching Practical of Harpsichord 2
- Didactics of Harpsichord 1
- Didactics of Harpsichord 2
- Harpsichord 1
- Harpsichord 2 (Course guarantor)
- Harpsichord 7
- Harpsichord 8
- Harpsichord History
- Harpsichord Playing 1
- Harpsichord Playing 10
- Harpsichord Playing 2
- Harpsichord Playing 3
- Harpsichord Playing 4
- Harpsichord Playing 5
- Harpsichord Playing 6
- Harpsichord Playing 7
- Harpsichord Playing 8
- Harpsichord Playing 9
- Obligatory Harpsichord 1
- Obligatory Harpsichord 2
- Teaching Practice of Harpsichord 1
- Teaching Practice of Harpsichord 2
- Tuning
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Moravcová Karolína – Význam harmonického myšlení ve výuce cembalové hry na ZUŠ
- BcA. Kono Shoko – Japonská cembalová škola CLAVIS od Naoyi Otsuky
- BcA. Říhová Alina – Rozdílná úloha korepetitora a hráče bassa continua