doc. MgA. Sylva STEJSKALOVÁ, Ph.D.
- Audio Coding in Contemporary Media 1
- Audio Coding in Contemporary Media 2
- Aural Training for Composers
- Didactics / Teaching Practice of Recording Direction 1
- Didactics / Teaching Practice of Recording Direction 2
- Digital Editing for Recording Direction 1
- Digital Editing for Recording Direction 2
- Dissertation 1
- External Recording Practice
- Free Sound Design RD 1
- Free Sound Design RD 2
- Free Sound Design RD 3
- Free Sound Design RD 4
- Free Sound Design SD1 (Course guarantor)
- Introduction to Studio Recording (Course guarantor)
- Lectures of Guest of Composition Departmant - WS
- Preparation of Master´s Thesis for Recording Direction
- Score Reading 1
- Score Reading 2
- Score Reading 3
- Score Reading 4
- Score Reading 7
- Score Reading 8
- Score Reading 9
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 2
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 5
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 6
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 7
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 8
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 2
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 3
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 4
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 5
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 6
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 7
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 8
- Special Aural Analysis (Course guarantor)
- Special Aural Analysis 1 (Course guarantor)
- Special Aural Analysis 2 (Course guarantor)
- Special Aural Analysis 3 (Course guarantor)
- Special Aural Analysis 4 (Course guarantor)
- Special Aural Analysis 5 (Course guarantor)
- Special Aural Analysis 6 (Course guarantor)
- Specialized Aural Analysis 7
- Specialized Aural Analysis 8
- Specialized Aural Analysis for Sound Design 1
- Specialized Aural Analysis for Sound Design 2
- Theory of Recording Direction 1 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Recording Direction 2 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Recording Direction 5 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Recording Direction 6 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Sound Design and Recording Direction
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- MgA. Šalšová Kristina – Interpretační analýza nahrávek 7. symfonie A. Dvořáka
- BcA. Zvěřina Josef – Psychologie vzájemné komunikace mezi členy nahrávacího týmu a interprety
- BcA. Jedličková Sarah – Hudební režie historicky poučené interpretace na autentickém nástroji
- MgA. Zvěřina Josef – Rozbor českých i zahraničních nahrávek Janáčkovy Sinfonietty
- BcA. Strejc Petr – Hudební režie v analogovém a digitálním nahrávacím procesu.
- BcA. Hájek Benjamín – Analýza nahrávek - B.Martinů: Dua pro housle a violoncello
- MgA. Jedličková Sarah – Klavírní duo - interpretace a zvukový záznam
- BcA. Čermáková Marta – Živé a štúdiové nahrávky kantáty Žalm zeme podkarpatskej
- MgA. Pikla Jakub – Nahrávky Kühnova smíšeného sboru v druhé pol. 20. století
- BcA. Dvořák Jiří – Igor Tausinger - hudební režisér Českého rozhlasu
- BcA. Rahman Šimon – Jaroslav Rybář - hudební režisér