Vývojové tendence západního divadla v moderní kultuře 2
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Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
201EVZ2 | zkouška | 2 | 3 hodiny výuky týdně (45 minut), 23 až 33 hodin domácí příprava | anglicky, česky | zimní |
Garant předmětu
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)
Předmět zajišťuje Katedra činoherního divadla
The Development Tendencies of Western Theatre in Modern Culture course is developed from topic series of individual studies for the state exam. The beginning material is primarily video recordings of foreign stagings supplemented with corresponding theory-critical texts. Summer semester (3.r. H +1.mgr.r. R and D)
„Apply critical thought to the phenomenon of modern theatre“
First block „Rise and development of modern European directing, dramaturgy and acting arts“
- Richard Wagner: first stent to illusive realism
- Meiningen-ists: why was acting a weak member of their creations?
- André Antoine: role of stage adaptations of novels for the rise of modern directing
- K.S. Stanislavsky vs. V.E. Mejerchold: invisible directing vs. theatrical theatre
- Western Europe avant garde and its reflection: from Appiy and Craig to Kantor
- Brecht's reference to the 50 years after the modern: between the formal canon (Benno Besson: Caucasian Chalk Circle). social critic (Peter Stein: Mother) and commentary (Heiner Mueller: The Career of Artur Ui)
Second Block „The Phenomenon of European Theatre from the second half of the 20th century“
- Drama and music: musical theatre of Christoph Marthaler and Mauricia Kagel.
- Drama and dance: from Kurt Jooss to Pina Bausch and Maguy Marin.
- Drama and fine arts: Klaus Michael Grueber and Eduardo Arroyo, Josef Nadj and Miguel Barcelo
- Drama and film: from Erwin Piscator to Katie Mitchell.
- Post-dramatic stage: ensemble theatre of Einar Schleef
- „Return“ to realism? Theatre of Thomas Ostermeier.
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Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
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