Graphic Design and Photography 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EGRD2 zkouška 2 2 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ týdně (45 minut), 32 až 42 hodin domácí příprava anglicky

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


1/ Familiarization with the content and purpose of the course - review of the status of the focus and selection of topics of the architecture catalogue, review of the level of input development, timetable

2/ Inspirational sources in relation to the focus and objectives of the students' work - joint consultation

3/ Synthesis of image and text - lecture

4/ Free composition / grid system - lecture, practical exercise

5/ Choosing a print format - practical exercise

6/ Setting the layout in relation to the format - practical exercise, individual consultation

7/ Logic of horizontal lines - lecture, examples of solutions

8/ Storytelling, gradation of content - lecture, examples of solutions, individual consultation

9/ Visual contrast (detail / whole) - joint consultation, seminar

10/ Types of links and choice of material - lecture, examples of solutions, joint consultation

11/ Combining work with InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat - practical exercises with examples and solutions

12/ joint presentation of results - evaluation, feedback

Output: photographic catalogue - architecture

Výsledky učení

The basic mission of the Graphic Design and Photography 2 seminar is to motivate students to further develop their own graphic design skills and ability to present photographs through an original catalogue. The purpose here is not only to continue to deepen their knowledge of graphics software, but also to introduce them to a variety of graphic strategies that they can then use to present themselves or articulate other artistic messages. As a result of the training, they should be able to apply their own artistic language to the realisation of applied commissions, often associated with, for example, gallery operations.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

The prerequisite is completion of the Graphic Design and Photography 1 seminar



ANTON, Kelly Kordes, CRUISE, John, eds. Adobe InDesign CC: Official course. Brno: Computer Press, Brno, 2017. ISBN 978-80-251-4857-0

WOOD, Brian. Adobe Illustrator CC: Ai : official course. Brno: Computer Press, 2017. ISBN 978-80-251-4862-4.


BAUR, Ruedi, BOOM, Irma, GOGGIN, James, eds. Area 2. London, New York: Phaidon Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-7148-4855-6

BEEKE, Anthon, BELL, Nick, CATO, Ken, eds. Area. London, New York: Phaidon Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-7148-4325-4

BROUSIL, Tomáš, DOČEKALOVÁ, Petra, eds. Typo 9010: Czech Digitized Typeface 1990–2010. Praha: BiggBoss, 2015. ISBN 978-80-906019-5-6

TWOPOINTS.NET, ed. Pretty Ugly: Visual Rebellion in Design. Berlin: Gestalten, 2012. ISBN 978-3-89955-423-6

SELBY, Aimee, ed. Art and Text. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2009.

ISBN 978-1-906155-65-0



AYNSLEY, Jeremy. A Century of Graphic Design. New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 2001. ISBN 0-7641-5324-2

LIVINGSTON, Alan; LIVINGSTON Isabella. Dictionary of Graphic Design and Designers. 3rd ed. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012. World of art. ISBN 978-0-500-20413-9.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria


Winter semester - exam

Summer semester - exam

The subject of the assessment is the submission of the final file, mock-up or photo documentation of the project. Artistic inventiveness is evaluated, as well as the technical processing of the document.

Regular participation in the seminar is a prerequisite for the award of credit.



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