Photography Techniques 3

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EPHT3 zkouška 2 26 hodiny CVIČENÍ za celý semestr (45 minut), 31 až 41 hodin domácí příprava anglicky

Garant předmětu


Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)



Předmět zajišťuje Katedra fotografie


The aim of this course is to synthesize all the knowledge about photographing the surface of objects of their structure, glass, metal and porcelain for the final work of this course and that is the Catalogue. The intended final product is a printed catalogue with adequate binding and graphic design.

The preparation for the production of the catalogue also includes several lectures on printing techniques and their

development up to the present. However, the main focus will be on surface printing - offset printing, which is the

the majority of the print production is currently carried out. We will deal with the issue from

pre-press, RGB to CMYK conversion of photographs, the appropriate use of the printing grid and with regard to

the size of printed photographs. Advantages of amplitude or frequency modulated raster, stochastic

raster. This theoretical preparation is concluded with a visit to the printer.

On the basis of these theoretical foundations, a product catalogue will be created, with a minimum of ten

The choice of analogue or digital technology will be left to the student's decision, which

will then be part of the defence of this thesis.

The main themes

1 - 2/

Lectures on printing techniques with a focus on offset, preprint, raster


Visit to the printing house


Selection and consultation of the chosen objects, taking preview photographs to determine the appropriate

shooting technology, work in exterior, real interior or studio.


Actual photographic realization, ongoing individual consultations


Consultation with graphic designer, choice of catalogue format, choice of printing and binding technology, photography

details or units that would contribute to the overall appearance of the catalogue.




Realization of the catalogue, binding, joint presentation

Výsledky učení

The listener gains knowledge of printing issues, especially those related to the conversion of photographic materials into a printed medium. The student learns about the preparation for printing.

On the basis of the selected catalogue content, the student synthesizes all the experience gained from the Techniques of Photography 01-02 course, systematically examines the most appropriate method of scanning, and organizes the results in relation to the catalogue concept. He consults his plan with the graphic design teacher. In print preparation, he/she collaborates with the teacher and the print instructor. The result is the realization of a product catalog, leaving the choice of product entirely up to the student's choice and conceptual approach.

Předpoklady a další požadavky




Wiedemann Julius, Muller Jens: The History of Graphic Design, Taschen, 2022

Baum, Silva; Scheer, Claudia; Sievertsen, Lea: Notamuse, Niggli Verlag, 2019

White, Alex W.: The Elements of Graphic Design, Allworth Press, 2012

Glaser, Jessica: The graphic design exercise book : creative briefs to enhance your skills and develop your portfolio, Frances Lincoln, 2014

Dabner David: 100 Years of Swiss Graphic Design, Lars Müller Publishers, 2013

Collective: Graphic Design Manual, Niggli Verlag, 2019

Collective: Graphic Design School, Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2020


Alton John: Painting With Light, University of California Press, 2013

Bredbury Richard: Mastering Lighting & Flash Photography : A Definitive Guide For Photographers, GMC Publications, 2021

Hunter Fil: Light - Science & Magic - An Introduction to Photographic Lighting, Taylor and Francis, 2021

Hirsch Robert: Light and Lens: Photography in the Digital Age, Routledge, 2018

Simmons Robert: Lighting in Photography, Hassell Street Press, 2021

Child John: Studio Photography: Essential Skills, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018

Leibovitz Annie, Fuller Alexandra: Portraits 2005-2016, Phaidon Press, 2019

Lindbergh Peter, Wender Wim: Untold Stories, Taschen, 2021

Nan Goldin: The Other Side 1972-1992, Scalo Verlag Ac, 2020

Nan Goldin: Portraits, Actes Sud, 2020

Rand Glen: Lighting And Photographing Transparent And Translucent Surfaces, Amherst Media, 2019

Photographing the Unseen World

Davies Adrian: Art and Techniques, The Crowood Press, 2020

Jaroslav Róna: Architectons and Machines, Books & Pipes, 2021

Sylva Macková, Czech Glass, VŠUP, 2018

Kehlmann Robert: The Inner Light: Sculpture by Stanislav Libensky and Jaroslava Brychtova Univ of Washington Press, 2012

Rooney E. Ashley, Purchia Barbara: Glass Art: 112 Contemporary Artists, Schiffer, 2016

Pelikan Wilhelm: The Secrets of Metals, SteinerBooks, Inc, 2016

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Students may be evaluated based on 80% attendance and participation in group photography events. Each exercise will be assessed against pre-determined criteria in a joint meeting over the results.



Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2024/2025:

místnost 113
Ateliér A KF

(Lažanský palác)
(paralelka 1)

Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky
Po 15:40–17:15 David STECKER Ateliér A KF
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1

Rozvrh na letní semestr 2024/2025:

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