Portfolio 3

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EPOR3 zkouška 2 2 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ týdně (45 minut), 32 až 42 hodin domácí příprava anglicky

Garant předmětu

Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)



Předmět zajišťuje Katedra fotografie


It is a subject that deepens the student's soft skills and prepares them for future professional success. It builds on the Portfolio 02 course and in it the student develops his/her presentation skills and tools, uses social networks effectively, creates other authorial presentation tools such as web archive, searches for opportunities to apply his/her work, actively communicates with curators and other platforms, according to the direction of his/her work.

Main themes

1/ communication with curators, involvement in projects in the field of visual arts or social sciences - general and specific basics

2/ sharing experiences, offering opportunities, offering employment

3/ consultation with curators and festival organisers

4/ individual consultation of the focus of the audience

5/ overview of international photography and multimedia festivals and events

6/ presentation of multimedia works and author's books

7/ curatorial work - lecture and practical exercises - preparation of a curatorial project

8/ individual project consultation

9/ preparation of author's or thematic catalogue

10/ portfolio review - advance

11/ sharing experience from practical tasks, seminar, feedback

12/ creation of a professional plan in relation to the focus of the student's work and the vision of his/her professional development

Výsledky učení

The student has an overview of the principles of communication within his/her profession, can respond to offers and create offers. The student has a basic knowledge of the curatorial profession and is able to prepare a basic exhibition format. Has developed a work plan for his/her professional development.

Předpoklady a další požadavky




Lodž http://www.fotofestiwal.com/

Rencontres d'Arles https://www.rencontres-arles.com/Home

Circulations https://www.festival-circulations.com/en/

Darmstadt Photo https://dtdf.de/en/

Dusseldorf photo weekend https://www.duesseldorfphotoplus.de/en/about


The Fashion Business Manual https://fashionary.org/products/fbm#

Hans Ulrich Obrist Interviews https://www.amazon.com/Hans-Ulrich-Obrist-Interviews-Vol/dp/888158431X

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Attendance of at least 80%, regular consultations and active participation in accompanying events, professional and author's portfolio in printed and electronic versions, completion of Portfolio 2



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