Realm of Montage

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
311REM zkouška 3 3 hodiny výuky týdně (45 minut), 48 až 63 hodin domácí příprava anglicky zimní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)



Předmět zajišťuje FAMU International


“Film is like a battlefield: love, hate, action, violence, death... in one word – emotion,” says Samuel Fuller playing himself in Godard’s Pierrot le fou.

We will study excerpts from well-known films and analyze how a particular montage style creates not only the esthetics but also emotional impact, certain philosophy and even a moral statement.

  1. love – E. g. L’ meprise, Pierrot le fou, In The Mood For Love, Damnation
  2. openings - E. g. We Need To Talk About Kevin, The Ecclipse, Death in Venice, 5th Rider Is Fear, Werckmeister Harmonies
  3. suicide – E. g. Muchette, Satan’s tango, Distant Journey, Solaris, A Zed And Two Noughts
  4. passion - E. g. Woman Of The Dunes, Last Tango In Paris, Arabian Nights, Fish Tank
  5. violence - E. g. Straw Dogs, L'argent, Throne of Blood, The Gospel According to St. Matthew
  6. use of architecture - E. g. L’avventura, Red Desert, The Belly of an Architect, L’ ecclise, Lost Highway
  7. the subconscious - E. g. Wild strawberries, Eraserhead. And use of voice over - E. g. La jetée, The Windows, H is for House, India Song
  8. rape - E. g. Dogville, The Accusation, A Clockwork Orange, Irreversible, Lilya 4 ever, Who’s That Knocking at My Door
  9. falling in love - E. g. 3-iron, Green Ray, Ida, Unrelated
  10. personification of Death: E. g. Seventh seal, All that jazz, The Cremator
  11. art of transcendence - E. g. Limits of control, Hana-Bi, La belle captive
  12. the metaphysical - E. g. Antichrist vs. Mirror Tarkovskij, Elisa vida mia

Výsledky učení

Deeper understanding of film language as it is expressed in remarkable montage sequences. A particular style of montage creates a specific language of emotions, and to be able to „speak it“ means to be able to make better films.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

Open only to degree students.


Kovács, András Bálint. Screening modernism: European art cinema, 1950-1980 [online]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ©2007. Cinema and modernity [cit. 2019-09-18].

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Students will choose one typical emotional situation (fight, sex, death, falling in love, loneliness), and shoot and edit the same scene using two different editing methods. Since the students will be knowledgable about specific styles by the end of the semester, they should be able to pick two opposing strategies - E. g. Dogma 95 vs Bela Tarr, and use the assingment as a thoughtful study of various principles of editing with various impact on the audience.

The result will be two short sequences expressing the same emotion, each up to three minutes long and each done in a different cinema style.

It can be shot on an iPhone, technical quality is not important. What matters is the idea.



The subject is not taught every year. The subject is taught at least once every three academic years.

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