Angličtina v hudebním průmyslu 3

Předmět není vypsán Nerozvrhuje se

Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
702HAP3 zápočet 5 4 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ týdně (45 minut), 89 až 114 hodin domácí příprava anglicky, česky zimní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


Course schedule (final schedule will be available in the Moodle course):

Week 1

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 1: Introduction

(Wednesday session) Arts Marketing 1

Week 2

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 2: The Most Common Communication Obstacles

(Wednesday session) Arts Marketing 2

Week 3

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 3: The Most Basic Conversational Fixes

(Wednesday session) Arts Marketing 3

Week 4

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 4: Establishing Rapport, pt. 1

(Wednesday session) TBD

Week 5

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 5: Establishing Rapport, pt. 2

(Wednesday session) TBD

Week 6

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 6: Dealing with Difficult People, pt. 1

(Wednesday session) Fundraising and Development 1

Week 7

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 7: Dealing with Difficult People, pt. 2

(Wednesday session) Fundraising and Development 2

Week 8

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 9: How to Create a Unique Personality in Business

(Wednesday session) Fundraising and Development 3

Week 9

(Tuesday session) Communication Skills 10: Effective Networking

(Wednesday session) TBD

Week 10

(Tuesday session) Writing a Fundraising Letter 1

(Wednesday session) TBD

Week 11

(Tuesday session) Writing a Fundraising Letter 2

(Wednesday session) Legal issues 1

Week 12

(Tuesday session) Presentations 1

(Wednesday session) Legal issues 2

Week 13

(Tuesday session) Presentations 2

(Wednesday session) Revision before the final test

Výsledky učení

Learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding:

After finishing the course, the student:

Skills and abilities:

After finishing the course, the student:

Předpoklady a další požadavky

Entry requirements and prerequisites:

702HAP2 English for the Music industry (for students of Music Management) or B1+ level for students of other programmes.


Required reading:

Required Study Materials and Texts

•Byrnes, William. Management and the Arts. 6th edition. London: Routledge, 2022, ISBN: 978-03-672-5890-0, selected chapters.

•Sparling Don, Kalová Simona, Rance Chris. English or Czenglish. Jak se vyhnout čechismům v angličtině.

2nd Edition. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021, ISBN: 978-80-210-9965-4, selected chapters.

•Tuhovsky, Ian. Communication skills training. A Practical Guide to Improving Your Social Intelligence, Presentation, Persuasion and Public Speaking. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. ISBN: 978-1515031918, selected chapters.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Assessment components (min. 70% to pass):

Min attendance is 70% (i.e no more than 8 absences allowed per semester).

Webová stránka předmětu

Další informace

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