
Register Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307MPO credit 3 10 exercise hours (45 min) of instruction per semester, 68 to 83 hours of self-study English, Czech summer

Subject guarantor

Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ

Name of lecturer(s)

Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ


The subject provides Department of Photography


Preparation of artistic and professional portfolios, meetings with experts from artistic and commercial operations - professional employment, etc.

25. 2. 22. Štěpánka Šimlová, Hana Šťastná – introduction to the module, unfinished portfolios, feedback, evaluation + Ondřej Chrobák, chief curator of Moravská galerie. how galleries / large institutions select artists for exhibitions, evaluation of art portfolios

4. 3. 22. Jan Brož – discussing portfolios in terms of graphics, the role of graphics in the exhibition

11. 3. 22. the guest will be specified (polanský, mikuláš)?

18. 3. 22. Michal Novotný – experiences from Futura and Karlin x NG

25. 3. 22. Johana Pošová / Johana Střížková – commercial photography for magazines - products, food styling

1. 4. 22. Anna Kovačič / Ben Renč / Matuš Toth – fashion photo

8. 4. 22 Jan Brož – graphic control of portfolios, consultations

22. 4. 22 Zbyněk Baladrán / Tomáš Svoboda – the role of the architect in the exhibition

29. 4. 22 Štěpánka Šimlová, Hana Šťastná – portfolio consultation

6. 5. 22 Štěpánka Šimlová, Jan Brož - final appreciation of the portfolios for clasuras

Learning outcomes

improvement of orientation in gallery and commercial sector, application after study

Prerequisites and other requirements

artistic and professional portfolio


The Fashion Business Manual https://fashionary.org/products/fbm#

Hans Ulrich Obrist Interviews https://www.amazon.com/Hans-Ulrich-Obrist-Interviews-Vol/dp/888158431X

David Korecký, Médium kurátor, https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/149250/medium-kurator/

Evaluation methods and criteria




Schedule for winter semester 2024/2025:

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Schedule for summer semester 2024/2025:

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The subject is a part of the following study plans