MgA. Eliška VAVŘÍKOVÁ, Ph.D.
- Basics of Authorial Creation 1
- Basics of Authorial Creation 2
- Composition and Improvisation 1
- Composition and Improvisation 2
- Composition and Improvisation 3
- Composition and Improvisation 4
- Dramaturgy and directing 1
- Dramaturgy and directing 2
- Individual Creation 1
- Individual Creation 2
- Individual Creation 3 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Creation 4 (Course guarantor)
- Non-Verbal Theatre workshop 1
- Non-Verbal Theatre workshop 2
- Non-Verbal Theatre workshop 3
- Preparation of diploma thesis 1
- Preparation of diploma thesis 2
- Scenology 1
- Scenology 2
- Stage Language and Prerequisites for Acting 1
- Stage Language and Prerequisites for Acting 2
- Stage Language and Prerequisites for Acting 3
- Stage Language and Prerequisites for Acting 4
- Stage Language and Prerequisites for Acting 5
- Stage Language and Prerequisites for Acting 6
- Workshop of Dramaturgy with MgA. Marek Turošík (Course guarantor)
- Workshop Towards an Impermanent Body (Course guarantor)
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Paličková Kamila – Zložky nonverbálnej komunikácie v divadle utlačovaných
- MgA. Hudačková Katarína – Návrat ku koreňom
- BcA. Štofaniková Jana – Analýza predstavení fyzického divadla so zameraním na rytmus