

Simplified study plan Photography EN - Bachelor

Study of qualification: Photography Department of Photography
Study programme: Film, Television, Photography, and New Media Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
Code Course Name Completion Credits
1. semester
307EBCH1 Basic Photo Chemistry 1 ZK 2
307ECW1 Computer Work and Digital Imaging 1 Z 2
307ECOP Contemporary Photography ZK 3
307EICL Czech Republic Introduction Z 2
307EDE1 Departmental Study Trips 1 Z 1
307EDO1 Documentary Photography 1 Z 1
307EFOV1 Form and Content of Art Work 1 ZK 2
307EPH1 Guest Lectures 1 Z 1
307EHP1 History of Photography 1 ZK 2
307EISP Introduction to Study of Photography Z 2
307EITE Introduction to Techniques of Photography Z 2
307ETR1 Optical basis of Photography 1 Z 1
307ETEFG1 Photography Techniques 1 Z 3
307ESKF Service in Studio KF Z 2
307ETH1 Theory of Photography 1 Z 1
Works for Studio KF
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
2. semester
307EBCH2 Basic Photo Chemistry 2 ZK 2
307ECW2 Computer Work and Digital Imaging 2 ZK 3
307ECP1 Creative Photography 1 ZK 3
307EDO2 Documentary Photography 2 ZK 2
307EES1 Exhibition Series 1 ZK 5
307EFC1 Final Commission (klauzura) 1 ZK 3
307EFOV2 Form and Content of Art Work 2 ZK 2
307EPH2 Guest Lectures 2 Z 1
307EHP2 History of Photography 2 ZK 2
307ETR2 Optical basis of Photography 2 ZK 1
307EFOK1 Photography of Landscape and Architecture 1 Z 2
307ETEFG2 Photography Techniques 2 ZK 3
307ESKF Service in Studio KF Z 2
307ETH2 Theory of Photography 2 ZK 3
Works for Studio KF
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester 34
3. semester
307EAS1 Atelier - Specific Photography Studios 1 Z 1
307ECW3 Computer Work and Digital Imaging 3 ZK 3
307ECOP Contemporary Photography ZK 3
307ECP2 Creative Photography 2 Z 1
307EDE2 Departmental Study Trips 2 Z 1
307EDO3 Documentary Photography 3 Z 1
307EES2 Exhibition Series 2 Z 1
307EPH3 Guest Lectures 3 Z 1
307EHP1 History of Photography 1 ZK 2
307EPB1 Photography and Book 1 Z 1
307EFOK2 Photography of Landscape and Architecture 2 ZK 3
307ETEFG3 Photography Techniques 3 ZK 3
307ES1 Seminar on Theory of Photography 1 Z 1
307ESKF Service in Studio KF Z 2
307ETH1 Theory of Photography 1 Z 1
Works for Studio KF
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
4. semester
307EAS2 Atelier - Specific Photography Studios 2 Z 1
307ECP3 Creative Photography 3 ZK 2
307EDO4 Documentary Photography 4 ZK 3
307EES3 Exhibition Series 3 ZK 5
307EFC2 Final Commission (klauzura) 2 ZK 3
307EPH4 Guest Lectures 4 Z 1
307EHP2 History of Photography 2 ZK 2
307EPB2 Photography and Book 2 ZK 2
307EFOK3 Photography of Landscape and Architecture 3 ZK 3
307ESKF Service in Studio KF Z 2
307ETH2 Theory of Photography 2 ZK 3
Works for Studio KF
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
5. semester
307EDE3 Departmental Study Trips 3 Z 1
307EES4 Exhibition Series 4 Z 1
307EPH5 Guest Lectures 5 Z 1
307ENM1 New Media and Multimedia Work 1 Z 1
307EPB3 Photography and Book 3 Z 1
307ES1 Seminar on Theory of Photography 1 Z 1
Works for Studio KF
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
6. semester
307EES5 Exhibition Series 5 Z 5
307EFC3 Final Commission (klauzura) 3 ZK 3
307EPH6 Guest Lectures 6 Z 1
307EMSB Methodogical Seminar on Final Bachelor Thesis Z 1
307ENM2 New Media and Multimedia Work 2 ZK 2
307EPB4 Photography and Book 4 ZK 2
Works for Studio KF
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Generated on 2014-06-18
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