

Study plan Drama in Education - part-time 4 years (B.A.) – 3rd year

Study of qualification: Drama in Education Department of Drama in Education
Study programme: Dramatic Arts Study type: Bachelor's Programme part-time
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | 4th year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Main subjects
Drama IV. - Structuring Drama Work 205PKD1 ZK 5 30/S 205PKD2 ZK 5 55/S
Divadelní projekt II. 205DEB1 ZK 2 24/S
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 5 7
Compulsory subjects
Pedagogy 205PDK3 ZK 2 10/S
Hlasová výchova s metodikou 205HVS5 Z 1 7/S 205HVK6 ZK 3 10/S
Pohybová výchova s metodikou 205PVX5 Z 1 7/S 205PVK6 ZK 3 10/S
Stage Music 205SHK2 Z 1 8/S
Historie literatury pro děti a mládež
205HLY2 Z 1 10/S 205HLY3 ZK 2 15/S
Communication and Semiotics of Behavior
205KSK2 ZK 2 10/S
Graduation Theses Seminar 205DPK1 Z 1 8/S 205DPK2 Z 1 10/S
Autorsko-dramatizátorský seminář 205ADY1 Z 1 8/S 205ADK2 Z 2 10/S
History of World and Czech Theatre 205DSC4 ZK 3 8/S 205DSC5 ZK 3 10/S
Children's Scene 1 205DES1 Z 3 50/S Register
Didactics of Drama in Education 205DRV4 Z 2 10/S 205DRV5 ZK 3 10/S
Theatre in Education 205DIV1 Z 1 15/S 205DIV2 Z 1 17/S
Acting II. 205HB3 Z 1 8/S 205HB4 Z 1 10/S
Playing with Object and Puppet
205HPX1 Z 1 20/S Subject is not scheduled 205HPX2 ZK 2 20/S Subject is not scheduled
Practice II. 205PXB3 Z 1 205PXB4 Z 1
Recitation and Recital Project 205PPK1 Z 1 14/S 205PPK2 ZK 3 30/S
Developmental Neuropsychobiology 205NPB1 Z 1 10/S Register 205NPB2 Z 1 8/S Register
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 19 23
Compulsory optional subjects
Foreign Languages Z 1 ZK 2
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 1 2
Optional subjects
Optional Study Subjects
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 0 0
Total number of set credits 25 32
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 5 -2
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30 30
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at