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Study plan Drama in Education (M.A.) – 3rd year

Study of qualification: Drama in Education Department of Drama in Education
Study programme: Dramatic Arts Study type: Continuing Master's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Main subjects
Samostatný tvůrčí projekt 205SAY1 ZK 3 20/S 205STP2 ZK 9 30/S
Didactics of Drama in Education II. 1 205DVY1 ZK 3 15/S
Divadelní projekt II. 205DPB3 ZK 4 45/S
Drama III. - Structuring Drama Work 205PRY1 ZK 3 30/S 205PRY2 ZK 4 55/S
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 13 13
Compulsory subjects
Kapitoly z teorie literatury a historie literatury pro děti a mládež 205LDM4 ZK 5 20/S
History of Drama in Education and Theatre with Children 205HDD1 Z 1 10/S 205HDD2 ZK 2 20/S
Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 205ADR3 ZK 3 22/S
Children's Scene 1 205DES1 Z 3 50/S Register
Theatre in Education 205DVX1 Z 2 36/S 205DVX2 Z 2 45/S
Metodika divadelní práce s dětmi a mládeží 205MPM3 Z 2 25/S 205MPM4 ZK 3 45/S
Pedagogy and Psychology of Dramatic Playing 1 205PPY1 Z 2 35/S
Recitation and Recital Project 205PPP3 ZK 3 22/S
Developmental Neuropsychobiology 205NPB1 Z 1 10/S Register 205NPB2 Z 1 8/S Register
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 18 7
Compulsory optional subjects
Foreign Languages In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 6 credits
Minimální počet kreditů za semestr 0 0
Total number of set credits 31 20
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects -1 10
Celkový doporučený počet kreditů za semestr 30 30
Generated on 2015-06-16