Česká verzeČeská verze

Optional Study Subjects

Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
205ADV1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech Z 2 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205ADV2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Z 2 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205ZAK1 Basic of Acrobatics
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205DES1 Children's Scene 1 Czech Z 3 50/S
205XTP1 Creative writitng Czech Z 2 20/S
205KDR1 Criticism of Children's Theatre and Recitation 1
Z 3 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205KDR2 Criticism of Children's Theatre and Recitation 2
ZK 5 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205XRP1 Directing work with children Czech Z 2 20/S
205TVK1 Drama Center Design 1
Czech Z 2 25/S Subject is not scheduled
205XDVP1 Drama Education in Professional Theatre Z 1 15/S Z 1 15/S
205DVD1 Drama at School 1
Czech Z 3 50/S Subject is not scheduled
205DVM1 Drama in education with preschool children Z 1 Z 1
205IKD1 Integrative Creative Workshop - Handicap and Crisis as Challenge to Creativity 1
Czech Z 1 30/S Subject is not scheduled
205IKD2 Integrative Creative Workshop - Handicap and Crisis as Challenge to Creativity 2
Czech ZK 3 30/S Subject is not scheduled
205SVP1 Light in Space 1
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205SVP2 Light in Space 2
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PSU1 Mask 1
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PSU2 Mask 2
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PVV1 Movement within Methodology 1
Czech Z 2 30/S Subject is not scheduled
205PVV2 Movement within Methodology 2
Z 2 30/S Subject is not scheduled
205PPS1 Object and Space 1
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PPS2 Object and Space 2
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PAN1 Pantomime 1 Czech Z 1 10/S
205PAN2 Pantomime 2
Czech Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PAV1 Psychological Aspects of Instruction
Z 2 15/S Subject is not scheduled
205LOT1 Puppet Theatre Techniques 1
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205LOT2 Puppet Theatre Techniques 2
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205TLU1 Puppet Theatre Technology 1
Czech Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205TLU2 Puppet Theatre Technology 2
Czech Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PEN1 Recitation 1
ZK 2 15/S Subject is not scheduled
205PEN2 Recitation 2
ZK 3 15/S Subject is not scheduled
205PHV1 Singing and Voice Training 1
Czech Z 1 12/S Subject is not scheduled
205PHV2 Singing and Voice Training 2
Czech Z 1 15/S Subject is not scheduled
205PVL1 Space Relations in the History of Prague Basin 1
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205PVL2 Space Relations in the History of Prague Basin 2
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205IPD Staging process with children Czech Z 1 Z 1
205XST1 Storytelling
Czech Z 1 15/S Subject is not scheduled
205VLP1 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 1
Z 1 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205VLP2 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 2
ZK 3 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205DFO1 Theatre Forum
Czech Z 2 20 Subject is not scheduled
205PDP1 Theatre Showcase Prep 1
Czech Z 2 25/S Subject is not scheduled
205PDP2 Theatre Showcase Prep 2 Czech Z 2 25/S
205DDL1 Theatre Workshop 1 Czech Z 1 48/S Z 1 48/S
205DDL2 Theatre Workshop 2
Czech ZK 3 60/S Subject is not scheduled
205DPE1 Theatre for Children 1
Czech Z 3 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205DPD1 Theatre for Children 1
Czech Z 3 20/S Subject is not scheduled
205DPE2 Theatre for Children 2
Czech ZK 5 10/S Subject is not scheduled
205DSI1 Theatrical Sports and Improvisation 1 Czech Z 2 10/S
205DSI2 Theatrical Sports and Improvisation 2 Czech Z 2 10/S
205HV3 Voice Education - Individ. 3
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV5 Voice Education - Individ. 5
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV7 Voice Education - Individ. 7
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV8 Voice Education - Individ. 8
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV9 Voice Education - Individ. 9
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205MLS Youth Stage Czech Z 1
Generated on 2017-07-03