Optional Study Subjects

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Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
203DKR1 DISK - Implementation 1 Czech ZK 4
203DKR2 DISK - Implementation 2 Czech ZK 4
203UFS1 Introduction to Film Stage Design 1 Czech Z 2
207DZA1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 Czech ZK 3 2T
207DZA2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2 Czech Wed
Hallerův sál
ZK 3 2T
207DZB1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 1 Czech ZK 3 2T
207DZB2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 Czech Wed
Hallerův sál
ZK 3 2T
207DCK1 Theatre in the Czech Culture 1 Czech ZK 3 2T
207DCK2 Theatre in the Czech Culture 2 Czech Wed
Hallerův sál
ZK 3 2T