Studio photography with artificial light

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307DSPAL zkouška 3 anglicky zimní

Garant předmětu


Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)



Předmět zajišťuje Katedra fotografie


The course is designed as a practical training in photographic studio. The aim of the course is to present a simple and effective workflow. It is primarily about the ability to eliminate the amount of equipment used and focus on your own creative work. The course introduces different ways of working with light and emphasizes the concept of light and shadow.

  1. Introduction

Introduction (Ideas, Focus, Course Aim) The conception of the first session is lecture and screening. The focus and course aim will be explained also by projection of visual examples (works by photographers David Bailey, Irving Penn, Erwin Blumenfeld and others). Plan of the following 5 meetings will be presented and also the plan for the assignments

  1. Light sources – Definitions, differences and demonstrations

The second session is a lecture and practical teaching on the origin of light and the characteristics of light sources. The material discussed so far in the field of theory (optics) will be demonstrated in the form of an experiment.

  1. Limits (Blue prints of studio)

The session deals with the limitations that we encounter in the studio and that we need to

understand. The session is a lecture and practical workshop presents instruction on how to understand space of the studio and work and organize the photographic equipment effectively. The space will be

described by the principle of the three zones.

  1. Light and space (Object studies)

This is a practical workshop focused on one object in the middle of the studio and one source of light (spot light). The purpose is to introduce a wide range of representation possibilities. Geometric objects are used to illustrate the point (3D).

  1. White on white (enhanced workflow based on object studies)

The concept of the meeting is combination of lecture and practical lesson focused on enhanced modes based on previous object studies. The workflow requires ability to control the lighting sources precisely.

  1. Colours (deconstruction)

This meeting is designed as an introduction into colours and practical experimental workshop with colour filters. Short excursion to early colour photography in 19th century and its technology will continue with presentation of contemporary principles and experimental procedures based on using RGB filters.

Assigned tasks:

Students work on the exercises „Object study“ and „White square on a white background“.

Both exercises represent work on their own series of 4-6 photographs according to the procedures introduced during Sessions 4 and 5.

Výsledky učení

The student masters basic and advanced workflows in photographic studies, can define conventional procedures and transform theoretical knowledge of optics, colour management and photographic technology into practical application. The student works independently in the photographic studio on his/her own creative work and experiments.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

The prerequisite is the student's basic knowledge of: photographic technology, optics, colour management, photographic chemistry.

Knowledge of basic Adobe CC procedures (Photoshop, Camera)


HIRSCH, Robert. Exploring colour photography: a complete guide. London: Laurence King, c2005, 360 s. ISBN 1-85669-420-8

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

20% participation in practical training

20 % reflection on practices based on theoretical knowledge

60 % Results of Assignments


17. 10. 2024, 15-17:30, Department of Photography, Famu, Lazan Palace

31. 10. 2024, 15-17:30, Department of Photography, Famu, Lazan Palace

14. 11. 2024, 15-17:30, Department of Photography, Famu, Lazan Palace

28. 11. 2024, 15-17:30, Department of Photography, Famu, Lazan Palace

19. 12. 2024, 15-17:30, Department of Photography, Famu, Lazan Palace

9. 1. 2025, 15-17:30, Department of Photography, Famu, Lazan Palace

Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2024/2025:

místnost 113
Ateliér A KF

(Lažanský palác)
(paralelka 1)

Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky
Čt 14:00–18:55 Marcel STECKER Ateliér A KF
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1

Rozvrh na letní semestr 2024/2025:

Rozvrh zatím není připraven

Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů