Contemporary Photography and Art 2

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307ECON2 zkouška 4 2 hodiny PŘEDNÁŠEK týdně (45 minut), 82 až 102 hodin domácí příprava anglicky

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


(12/02) Cute Pictures in Gallery and on Social Media

Simon May: The Power of Cute, Princeton University Press 2019.

(19/02) Our Microbial Friends? / Anthropomorphism, Nonhuman Agents and Limits of Empathy

Jakob Johann von Uexküll: Preface (From: A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men [1934]).

(26/02) Presentations

(04/03) DEEPFAKE!!!: From Epistemic Vigilance to Paranoia

Andrew McKenzie-McHarg: Experts versus eyewitnesses. Or, how did conspiracy theories come to rely on images?, Word & image. 35(2):141-158, 2019.

(11/03) “Game of Identities”: Self Portrait, Profile Picture and an “Authentic Creative Expression”

Amelia Jones: The 'Eternal Return': Self-Portrait Photography as a Technology of Embodiment, Signs, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Summer, 2002), pp. 947-978.

(18/03) Presentations

(25/03) The Re-Enchantment of the World: Contexts of Magic in Contemporary Art (Noemi Purkrábková)

Isabelle Stengers: Reclaiming Animism, e-flux journal #36, červenec 2012, dostupné online:

(01/04) No lecture – Easter

(08/04) “Invisible Images”: More-than-Human Temporality and Post-Perceptual Regime of Digital Media (Noemi Purkrábková)

Shane Denson: Dividuated Images, Coils of the Serpent 5 (2020), s. 153-62, dostupné online:

(15/04) Presentations (Noemi Purkrábková)

(22/04) Environmental Crisis, Neoruralism and Possibilities of “Contemporary Landscape Photography”

Henri Lefebvre: Perspectives on Rural Sociology, in: Myvillages (ed.), The Rural, The MIT Press 2019, s. 22-26.

(29/04) “The Power of the Good Joke” / Art as a Joke and Joke as Art

Louis Kaplan: Photography and Humour, London: Reaktion Books Ltd, 2017.

Výsledky učení

The student is oriented in contemporary art, understands contemporary theories of art and photography, is able to think about photography in the context of current discussions about technical images and is able to reflect on some of the topics discussed in his/her own creative work.

Předpoklady a další požadavky



Required literature:

Simon May: The Power of Cute, Princeton University Press 2019.

Jakob Johann von Uexküll: Preface (From: A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men [1934]).

Andrew McKenzie-McHarg: Experts versus eyewitnesses. Or, how did conspiracy theories come to rely on images?, Word & image. 35(2):141-158, 2019.

Amelia Jones: The 'Eternal Return': Self-Portrait Photography as a Technology of Embodiment, Signs, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Summer, 2002), pp. 947-978.

Isabelle Stengers: Reclaiming Animism, e-flux journal #36, červenec 2012, dostupné online:

Shane Denson: Dividuated Images, Coils of the Serpent 5 (2020), s. 153-62, dostupné online:

Henri Lefebvre: Perspectives on Rural Sociology, in: Myvillages (ed.), The Rural, The MIT Press 2019, s. 22-26.

Louis Kaplan: Photography and Humour, London: Reaktion Books Ltd, 2017.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Active participation in the discussion (preparation of 3-4 questions for discussion) and preparation for the seminar by reading the assigned texts. During the course, you are required to submit a written work.

The written paper must be a minimum of 7000 characters including spaces. Choose a topic or issue that you are interested in (and have addressed during the seminar). The text should be a defense of your position on the topic, using primary or secondary sources that you will argue with or use to support your claims. Please send texts to The exam will take the form of a discussion of the submitted text.



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