Spring Master´s Practical Class: Author´s Research and Analysis
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
307ESMP | zkouška | 2 | 28 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ za celý semestr (45 minut), 29 až 39 hodin domácí příprava | anglicky | letní |
Garant předmětu
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)
Evgenii SMIRNOV, Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ
Předmět zajišťuje Katedra fotografie
The course takes the form of a seminar and joint consultations on a specified topic. The Spring MA Practicum aims to open a creative project with an overlap into artistic research and related disciplines. For example, major discovery projects and other events are used to select the topic. A study trip or intensive concentration with overlap into other disciplines is an integral part of the experience. A recommended outcome may be an author's book proposal that prepares students for a component of the state final exam.
1 - introduction of the topic - lecture
2 - collaborative presentation - brainstorming, mind map on the topic, gathering of existing knowledge and ideas, possibilities of involvement in larger projects and grants
3-4 - study trip, intensive workshop or study camp
5 - seminar - reflection on the trip, gathering of work in progress
6 - cataloging of the collected material - design of an author's book, journal, printed or web presentation - joint presentation of the achieved results
Výsledky učení
The student is able to search, analyze and develop inspirational sources for his/her own work, this semester with
emphasis on the area of artistic research. The student is able to use the learning journey as a source of inspiration for their own work. The student will master the creative process related to the creation of an authored book.
Předpoklady a další požadavky
Required reading:
It always depends on the designated topic of the practitioner.
Study support for the course Spring Master's Practicum. Recommended readings:
Cotter, Lucy, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, and Hatje-Cantz-Verlag. Reclaiming Artistic Research. Hate Cantz, 2019. Borgdorff, Henk, Peter Peters, and Trevor Pinch, eds. Dialogues between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies. Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies. New York: Routledge, 2020.
Borgdorff, Henk. The Conflict of the Faculties: Perspectives on Artistic Research and Academia. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2012.
Schwab, Michael, ed. Transpositions: Aesthetic-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research. Orpheus Institute Series. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press, 2018.
Mersch, Dieter et al. Manifesto of Artistic Research. Diaphanes 2020.
Butt, Danny. Artistic Research in the Future Academy. Bristol, UK Chicago, USA: Intellect, 2017.
Schwab, Michael, and Henk Borgdorff, eds. The Exposition of Artistic Research: Publishing Art in Academia. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2014.
Hannula, Mika, Juha Suoranta, and Tere Vadén. Artistic Research Methodology: Narrative, Power and the Public. Critical Qualitative Research, Vol. 15. New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
Szendy, Peter, and Jan Plug. The Supermarket of the Visible: Toward a General Economy of Images, 2019. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nlabk&AN=1863970.
Bridle, James. New Dark Age: Technology, Knowledge and the End of the Future. London ; Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2018.
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
The course ends with a classified examination. The prerequisite for completing the course is regular participation in the seminar, preparation and presentation of the required thematic presentations or papers, (unless otherwise specified) one thematic presentation at the beginning of the thematic cycle and one presentation supplemented by a written report of 2-3 standard pages, which is also the basis for the explication of the project. The examination takes the form of a joint consultation on the results achieved.
Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2024/2025:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Rozvrh na letní semestr 2024/2025:
Po |
Út |
St |
Čt |
Pá |
Datum | Den | Čas | Vyučující | Místo | Poznámky | Č. paralelky |
Po | 12:20–20:35 | Evgenii SMIRNOV | Učebna KF 111 Lažanský palác |
přednášková par. 1 | ||
St | 09:00–10:35 | Evgenii SMIRNOV | Učebna KF 112 Lažanský palác |
přednášková par. 1 |
Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů
- Fotografie EN - magistr - 2022 (Povinné předměty)