Profesní angličtina 1

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702HPA1 zápočet 3 2 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ týdně (45 minut), 57 až 72 hodin domácí příprava česky zimní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


Cílem předmětu je nabytí a rozvinutí jazykových znalostí, dovedností a kompetencí osvojením odborně zaměřené slovní zásoby, četby a porozumění textů souvisejících se základními oblastmi kritického myšlení, kulturní inteligence a základů managementu.

Tematické okruhy:

The ARTS, McCarthy, Michael a O´Dell, Felicity. English Vocabulary in Use. CUP, 1996. Unit 42 – vocabulary, exercises

Theatre – handouts - vocabulary

Music - handouts - vocabulary, musical instruments


Macmillan Life Skills, Lesson 21 - handouts, exercises, discussion

The Medium is the Message / Global Village / Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, by M. McLuhan, 1964, a handout

Commitment – an article by W.H.Murray


Macmillan Life Skills, Lesson - Cultural Awareness – handouts, exercises

Culture and its impact, Unit 1, Business Advantage, Intermediate level, Student´s and Personal Study Books by A. Koestner and M. Rosenberg, 2016, CUP,

Cultural Diversity by Geert Hofstede, Business Advantage, Upper-Intermediate level, Personal Study Book by J. Godwin, CUP, 2011

Culture Shock – Headway doc/ tests Skill Test 1, 3A New English File

TED Culture - Everything you always wanted to know about culture


What is Management? Management and Marketing by I. Mackenzie, LTP, 1997, Units 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.12, 1.13, 1.21

Wrongdoing and corruption. Ethics. Business Vocabulary in Use by B. Mascull, CUP, 2002, Units 40 and 41

People Management, Macmillan Life Skills, Lesson 23, handouts, exercises, vocabulary

Time and Time Management, Business Vocabulary in Use by B. Mascull, CUP, 2002, Unit 42

Time Management, Macmillan Life Skills, Lesson 19, handouts, exercises, vocabulary

Stress Management, Business Vocabulary in Use by B. Mascull, CUP, 2002, Unit 43

Work-Life Balance, Business Vocabulary in Use, Advanced, B. Mascull, CUP, 2010, Unit 6

Výsledky učení

Po absolvování předmětu student bude schopen

Předpoklady a další požadavky

Znalost AJ na úrovni B1+


Povinná literatura:

Mackenzie, Ian. Management and Marketing. LTP, 1997. ISBN 1 899396 80 2

Mackenzie, Ian. Financial English. LTP, 1995. ISBN 1 899396 00 4

Mascull, Bill. Business Vocabulary in Use. CUP, 2002. ISBN 0 521 77529 9

Mascull, Bill. Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced. CUP, 2010. ISBN 978 0521 128292

Koestner, Almut. Business Advantage. Student’s Book. Intermediate. CUP, 2012. ISBN 978 0 521 13220 6

Rosenberg, Marjorie. Business Advantage. Personal Study Book. Intermediate. CUP, 2012. ISBN 978 1 107 692264 0

Doporučená literatura:

Handford, Michael. Business Advantage.Student’s Book. Upper-Intermediate. CUP, 2011. ISBN 978 0 521 132217 6

Godwin, Joy. Business Advantage.Personal Study Book. Upper-Intermediate. CUP, 2011. ISBN 978 0 521 281130 0

Hewings, Martin. Advanced Grammar in Use. CUP, 2000. ISBN 0 521 49868 6

Kennedy, Michael. Oxford Concise Dictionary of MUSIC. OUP, 1996. ISBN 0 19 280037 X

McCarthy, Michael a O´Dell, Felicity. English Vocabulary in Use. CUP, 1996. ISBN 0 521 423961

Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. 3rd Edition. CUP, 2004. ISBN 0 521 53289 2

Vince, Michael. Intermediate Language Practice. 3rd Edition. Macmillan, 2010. ISBN 9780 2307 2698 7

Powell, Mark. Presenting in English. LTP, 1996. ISBN 1 899396 30 6

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

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