History of Dance and Ballet in Bohemia 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107KDBC1 credit 4 10 lecture hours (45 min) of instruction per semester, 93 to 113 hours of self-study English, Czech winter

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The subject provides Dance Department


The course History of Dance and Ballet in Bohemia 1 takes the form of an overview lecture dealing with the development of dance in the Czech territory from the earliest documents and references to the end of the 18th century. Emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the development of dance culture in our territory and the formation of theatrical dance, which is seen in the context of other forms of dance and other artistic disciplines. Particular attention is paid to the formation of specifically Czech theatrical dance culture and its links to the European dance scene, as well as to the relationship between dance culture and other forms of culture in the Czech environment.

The aim of the study is to provide students with knowledge about the place of dance culture in the spectrum of Czech artistic activity, to help them understand the specifics of the historical development of dance art, their causes and consequences for the current situation of dance in the Czech Republic.

Topics of lectures

  1. Periodization of the history of artistic dance in Bohemia: definition of the basic phases of development, their characteristics, distinctive features and main representatives; overview and characteristics of sources for the study of dance in Bohemia; dance in the earliest period: accounts of dance in written monuments of Czech literature (chronicles, religious and moral texts, official documents, etc.) and the possibilities of their interpretation; the earliest period in iconographic evidence (book painting, depictions on utilitarian objects, sculpture, wall painting, stoves); dance culture of the High Middle Ages;
  2. Dance art in the early modern period: dance culture of different social classes - dance occasions, repertoire, influences; echoes of Renaissance and Baroque aristocratic dance forms, especially ballet de cour (Phasma dionysiacum Pragense);
  3. The formation of theatrical dance culture: dance as part of the productions of nomadic societies, aristocratic dance culture of the 17th century; castle theatres and dance within them, repertoire, personalities (Johann Baptista Danese); model of Viennese court opera - performances of Costanza e fortezza and Sub olea pacis 1723;
  4. The beginnings of theatrical dance in public theatres: Prague theatre scenes of the 18th century - Špork Theatre, Theatre in Kotce, Patriotic Theatre, ballet within Moravian theatres (Brno in the period of J. B. Bergopzoom); responses of ballet d'action on Czech stages, Anton Rössler, Vojtěch Morávek-Alberti;
  5. Ballet in bourgeois theatre culture - Nostic/Stavov Theatre in Prague, ballet pre-Romanticism - Martin Porst, Giacomo Brunetti.

Learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes: the student is oriented in the context of the history of dance in Bohemia in the periods discussed.

Prerequisites and other requirements

Prereq: Overview of the history of dance and ballet 1, 2


Required reading:

BRODSKÁ, Božena. History of ballet in Bohemia and Moravia until 1945. Prague: AMU, 2006. ISBN 80-7331-047-3.

BUREŠOVÁ, Lucie. Dance in the environment of the aristocratic Schwarzenberg family at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Evidence from the Krumlov sources. In. Dance and society. Prague: AMU, 2009, pp. 108-117. ISBN 978-80-7331-162-9.

JAKUBCOVÁ, Alena. Older Theatre in the Czech Lands to the End of the 18th Century. Personalities and works. Prague: Theatre Institute; Academia, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7008-201-0.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Baroque Ballet in Central Europe. Prague: AMU, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7331-130-8.

PÁTKOVÁ, Hana. Dance in medieval Bohemia. Written sources of urban and ecclesiastical provenance. In: GREMLICOVÁ, Dorota ed. Traces of dance: dance sources and their interpretation. Prague: AMU, 2008, pp. 24-30. ISBN 978-80-7331-118-6.

SMUGALOVÁ, Zuzana; GREMLICOVÁ, Dorota; BUREŠOVÁ, Lucie. The bowl called Hroznatova. Dance motifs on medieval works of art. In: GREMLICOVÁ, Dorota ed. Traces of dance: dance sources and their interpretation. Prague: AMU, 2008, pp. 31-41. ISBN 978-80-7331-118-6.

STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, Eva; STRATIL, Petr. The Unknown Known Waldmädchen. The Ballet of Pavel Vranicky. In. Dance and Society. Prague: AMU, 2009, pp. 49-67. ISBN 978-80-7331-162-9.

ZÍBRT, Čeněk. How Dancing Was Ever Done in Bohemia. Prague: F. Šimáček 1895; Prague: State Publishing House of Beautiful Literature, Music and Art, 1960.

Recommended literature:

BŘEZAN, Václav. The Lives of the Last Rožmberks. Prague: Svoboda, 1985.

GREMLICOVÁ, Dorota. Dance as a subject of literary debate in Bohemia at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. On the writing Ueber Anstand, Schönheit und Grazie im Tanz. Živá hudba, 5, 2014, pp. 118-128. ISSN 0514-7735, ISBN 978-80-7331-334-0.

Gremlicová, Dorota ed. Traces of dance: dance sources and their interpretation. Prague: AMU, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7331-118-6.

History of Czech Theatre, I-IV, Prague: Academia, 1968, 1969, 1977, 1983.

ČERNÝ, František. The Theatre in Kotce. Prague: Panorama, 1992. ISBN 80-7038-210-4.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Who was Johann Baptista Danese. Taneční listy 29, 1991, no. 1, p. 15; no. 2, p. 13.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Noble theatres and dance. Taneční listy 31, 1993, No. 5, p. 14; No. 6, p. 14.

KOL. Dance and society. Prague: AMU, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7331-162-9.

LOMNICKÝ, Šimon z Budče. Dance, or a treatise skrowny o tancy. Wytisstěn w Starém Městě Pražském: v Giřijka Nygrina, [1597].

MACEK, Josef. The Jagiellonian Age in the Czech Lands. I, II. Prague: Academia, 2001. ISBN 80-200-0895-0.

MACEK, Josef. The Jagiellonian Age in the Czech Lands. III. Prague: Academia, 1998. ISBN 80-200-0629-X.

MACEK, Josef. The Jagiellonian Age in the Czech Lands. IV. Prague: Academia, 1999. ISBN 80-200-0699-0.

SCHERL, Adolf. Berufstheater in Prag 1680 - 1739. Wien: Verl. d. Österr. Akad. d. Wiss. 1999. ISBN 978-3-7001-2799-4.

SPECHT, Bernard. Ueber Anstand, Schönheit und Grazie im Tanz. Prag 1789.

E-learning materials: https://moodle.amu.cz/course/view.php?id=315

Evaluation methods and criteria

verification of knowledge in the form of a written test;

Study of required literature - submission of prepared notes on texts

Other requirements: attendance; participation in discussion



Schedule for winter semester 2024/2025:

Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
22.11.2024 12:30–14:00 Dorota GREMLICOVÁ classroom
Hartig Palace
lecture parallel1

Schedule for summer semester 2024/2025:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans