Image narration and current stylization terms 4

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
304EIN4 credit 1 20 hours (45 min) of instruction per semester, 10 to 15 hours of self-study English summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)



The subject provides Department of Cinematography



  1. Digital and film „look“

The difference in the appearance of the image between film and digital after the onset of digital recording technology ranges from imitating the appearance of film to self-defining and promoting the digital look in contrast to the classic film image.

Directors: Michael Mann, Marc Web, Danny Boyle

Cameramen: John Schwartzman, Dante Spinotti, Dean Semler

  1. Directors and their visions (3-4 seminars)

Analysis and overview of the development of prominent directors in relation to their particular cameramen, while pointing out differences in the approach to individual genres and differences in the appearance of the image when the cameraman is different.

Paolo Sorrentino Luca Bigazzi, Steve McQueen - Sean Bobbit, Park Chan Wook - Chung-hoon Chung, Coen Brothers - Roger Deakins, Christopher Nolan - Wally Phister x Hoyte van Hoytem, Krzystow Kieslowski - Slawomir Idziak, Peter Jackson - Andrew Lesnie, Darren Aronofski - Matthew Libatique, Alejandro Innaritu - Emmanuel Lubezki , Guillermo Del Toro - Guillermo Navarro, Steven Spielberg - Janusz Kaminski

Alan Parker - Michael Seresin, Nicolas Winding Refn - Newton Thomas Siegel, Larry Smith, Clint Eastwood - Tom Stern, Denis Villeneuve - André Turpin, Roger Deakins, Bradford Young

  1. Adaptable image authors

Analysis of a group of cameramen who change their individual style on the basis of working with a genre or collaborating with a director.

Cameramen:Greig Fraser, Phedon Papamichael , Rodrigo Prieto

  1. New names in the field of image capturing

A summary of new names of cameramen and their styles.

Cameramen: Natasha Braier - Neon Demon, Alex Catalan – Marshland, Mátyás Erdély - Son of Saul, David Gallego - Embrace of the Serpent, Mikhail Krichman - Leviathan

  1. Cameramen - craftsmen

A large group of cameramen for whom image narration is primarily a matter of craft. The seminar includes analyses of their important works compared to the standard methods of shooting most of their films.

Cameramen: Ben Davis , Bruno Delbonnel, Mauro Fiore, Adriano Goldman , John Mathieson , Salvatore Totino

  1. Image narrative in Czech cinematography

Overview of basic image approaches in Czech cinematography, including an emphasis on selected authors.

Cameramen: Stanislav Milota, Jaroslav Kučera, Miroslav Ondříček, Bedřich Baťka, František Uldrich, Otto Heller, Vladimír Novotný

  1. Analysis of student work

The seminar applies the analysis to the students' own work from the point of view of the image narration.

Learning outcomes

Introduction of theory and practice methods of cinematic work analysis focusing on its image component from aesthetic and technology perspectives on examples of significant films from various periods representing various orginal forms, styles and processes.

Prerequisites and other requirements

Student's short introduction to film screenings presenting original works and styles of individual cinematographers.


Roger Seards. Making Pictures: A Century of European Cinematography. London: Aurum Press - IMAGO, 2003.

Bordwell, David ?Thompson, Kristin. Art of Film: An Introduction to the study of form and style. New York: McGraw-Hill 2013. 10th edition.

Aumont Jacques - Michele Marie. Analisis del film / Analysis of Film. Nathan. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidos Iberica 1990.

Ryan, Michael, and Melissa Lenos. An Introduction to Film Analysis: Technique and Meaning in Narrative Film. London: Continuum, 2012.

Livingstone, Margaret. Vision and Art. Biology of Seeing. New York: Abrams 2002.

Richard Misek, Chromatic Cinema. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2010.

Cherchi Usai Paolo Silent Cinema. An Introduction. London: British Film Institute 2000.

Torkell Sa?tervadet. Advanced Projection Manual. Oslo: FIAF ? Norwegian Film Institute 2005.

Journals and magazines: Film History, Sight and Sound etc.

Special articles focused on films analyzed that will be shared with students in Dropbox folder

Evaluation methods and criteria

A personal presentation of an anlysis of a selected director's filmography



Schedule for winter semester 2024/2025:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2024/2025:

room 221
Room No. 221

(Lažanský palác)
(lecture parallel1)
classes only on 10.2.+17.2.+24.2.+3.3.+10.3.
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 18:10–21:25 Roman KAŠPAROVSKÝ Room No. 221
Lažanský palác
classes only on 10.2.+17.2.+24.2.+3.3.+10.3. lecture parallel1

The subject is a part of the following study plans