Music Management (P0215D310010)

Type of programme Mode of study Profile of the programme Standard study length Language Instruction Department
PhD Programme full-time
3 years Czech Music Management Department

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Members of qualification board




Programme objectives

The programme combines experience from previous studies in music management with curriculum in cultural management, musicology and possibly also interpretation. It creates the conditions for providing a broader, more comprehensive focus to specialists in music, stage and other performative areas, and thus facilitates the natural interconnection and collaboration between HAMU and DAMU in the case of thematic crossover.

It builds on the student’s previous education in music management, or in production and other disciplines related to the organisation of music and stage projects and to the management of artistic institutions.

It deepens the student’s practical experience acquired in the area of music and stage operations in the Czech Republic and abroad, and in the student’s own practical activities and outputs.

Students will integrate the theoretical and practical results of their own reflection in this field in a broad scholarly discourse. They will acquire knowledge of the methodology and approaches for researching the social aspects of music and stage creation and production, the ability to interconnect these aspects with their own production practice, an overview of current production, marketing and fundraising methods, and practical experience in the area of grant applications in the Czech Republic and abroad. Students will deepen their experience and knowledge in organising musical and stage life, promotion and marketing. They will become well oriented in digital media, digital marketing and the digital distribution of a musical product. They will be prepared both in theory and in practice to manage the transformations of operations in music and the performing arts in connection with the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Profile of a programme graduate

The graduate is an independent producer and manager with his or her own opinions on issues of musical and stage/artistic operations, life and culture, with the ability to lead and make the necessary arrangements to ensure the production of artistic activity in its organisational diversity and in the highest management positions, such as those of opera houses, theatres, symphonic orchestras, major publishing houses, music festivals and other organisations and institutions in the private sector, the public sector, or civil society.

Expert knowledge

The graduate has mastered the theoretical knowledge of top production activity and modern marketing and advertising theory, and is able to apply them to his or her own projects or to those of others.

The graduate understands issues of production and publishing activities with respect to content as well as copyright.

The graduate demonstrates superior and detailed knowledge in the production and research area specified in his or her individual study plan, and is able to communicate this knowledge in teaching as well as in scholarly discussions.

The graduate is well oriented in the basic documents of production and entrepreneurial practice, such as the production or business plan, the financial plan, the budget and the income statement.

Specialist skills

The graduate is capable of independently managing organisations and institutions in the areas of cultural, theatre and music operations.

The graduate has mastered the preparation of independent projects, including their financial organisational and marketing aspects of such preparation.

The graduate has mastered the methods of impact analysis for individual projects and overall evaluation.

The graduate knows how to prepare a business plan or project for an institution or organisation in the private sector, the public sector or civil society.

The graduate is able to publish in the scholarly press, mass media and social networks, to perform qualified critical and popularisation activities, to elaborate teaching texts (e.g. lecture notes, educational presentations).

The graduate is able to work as a highly specialised teacher in higher education in the fields of music management and the organisation of musical life.

General competencies

The graduate is able to communicate fluently about highly specialist issues in the areas of production and management in two foreign languages, the most important of which is English; the graduate is able to express himself or herself in a cultivated manner both orally and in writing.

The graduate is able to identify suitable grant opportunities and to implement various kinds of projects, both as an individual investigator and as the leader of a research or artistic team.

Through modern forms of fundraising, the graduate is able to secure financing for the projects or activities of a musical or artistic institution, an orchestra, and the like.

The graduate is able to creatively manage a team or participate in the activities of a team, work unit, institution or organisation, and to take a conceptual and systematic approach to long-term goals and standard activities alike.

The graduate is able to manage, prepare content for and organise a major professional event (concert, festival, performance, workshop, competition, conference, symposium), both in the physical concrete sense and online.

Rules and requirements for creating study plans

General information about admission process

Required education and experience:

• a completed university education at the Master’s level;

• compelling results in production and organisational activities hitherto;

• thorough knowledge of English and another world language, which the applicant will demonstrate in the form of an examination prior to the start of the admissions interview;

• a presentation of the applicant’s own project proposal in written form and his or her explanation of it during the interview.

The required level and group of languages from which it is possible to pass an examination are defined for each academic year by a relevant Decree of the Dean, which is subject to approval by the academic senate of the faculty.

The admissions process consists of one round. During the admissions interview, the applicant shall present his or her doctoral project proposal, specifying his or her production, research and curriculum preferences. It is expected that the proposal will reflect continuity with the previous creative and research activities of the Department of Music Management with a view to current trends and the needs of music and stage operations, although this is not required.

The doctoral project shall contain in particular a clear proposal for the applicant’s research activity during his or her studies, and for his or her active involvement in the organisational and research activities of the Department of Music Management at HAMU or the Department of Arts Management at DAMU, or his or her involvement in teaching activities, as the case may be.

At the entrance examination, the applicant shall present and submit representative descriptions or samples of and critical reflection on his or her production and organisational work hitherto (a required annex to the application).

Each year, the Department of Music Management may specify preferred thematic areas for potential doctoral projects that reflect continuity with its current research areas.

Applicability to other types of academic programmes

Parts of the state final examination and their contents

Other academic duties

Characterisation of professional practice

Anticipated job placement for graduates (typical employment)

Accreditation validity

Study programme valid from Study programme valid to
2023-04-20 2028-04-20

Programme study plans