Modules KP

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
305MAPA APA case studies
Czech Z 1 3SS winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
305MKRP Creative problem solving
Czech Z 1 4SS winter Subject is not scheduled
305MVPR Executive Producer in Advertising
Czech Z 1 7SS winter Subject is not scheduled
305MGS Green Storytelling Workshop with Maike Reinerth English 09:30–17:30
Z 1 6S winter
305MJZK How to behave in critical situations (not only) at events
Czech Z 1 7SS winter Subject is not scheduled
308MIBZ IL BOEMO - sound and music in a co-production
Czech Z 1 25SS winter Subject is not scheduled
311MINT Intimacy Coordination on Set
English Z 1 4S summer Subject is not scheduled
305MHB Music bank and its use in film practice Czech 10:00–13:00
Room No. 334
Z 1 4SS winter and summer
305MPHS Psychological health and safety, and wellbeing in the audiovisual industry
Czech Z 1 4S summer Subject is not scheduled
305MVSS Weekend Self-experience Group
Czech Z 1 20S winter Subject is not scheduled
301MPTP Writing the TV Pilot English Z 4 100S summer