- Atistic Project
- Digital Editing for Sound Design 1
- Digital Mixing and Mastering 1
- Dissertation 1
- Dissertation 2
- Dissertation 3
- External Recording Practice
- History of Sound Recording and Processing
- Participation at the Conference A
- Participation at the Conference B
- Pedagogical Project
- Preparation of Master´s Thesis SD
- Publication Activity A
- Publication Activity B
- Recording Analysis 1 (Course guarantor)
- Recording Analysis 3 (Course guarantor)
- Recording Analysis 5 (Course guarantor)
- Recording Analysis 7
- Recording Analysis 9
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar 2
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar3
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 3
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 5
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 7
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 3
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 5
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 7
- Sound Design Seminar 1
- Specialized Postgraduate Subjects
- Specialized Project
- Theory of Sound Design 3
- Theory of Sound Design 5
- Theory of Sound Design and Recording Direction
- Theory of sound production (Course guarantor)
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Skuhrovec Filip – Specifika studiové nahrávky loutnových nástrojů
- BcA. Košulič Jan – Zvukově-estetické koncepce v oblasti akustického komorního jazzu