- Basics of Dramaturgy 1
- Basics of Dramaturgy 2
- Basics of Dramaturgy 2
- Basics of Dramaturgy 3
- Basics of Dramaturgy 3
- Creating and Repeat Performance the Educational Program in DISK
- Dramatisation Seminar
- Theatre in Educational Context - Child Spectator (Course guarantor)
- Theatre in Educational Context - Child Spectator
- Theatre Learning
- Theatre Learning
- Theatre Learning in a Professional Theatre
- Theatre Learning in a Professional Theatre - A Project
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Váňová Michaela – Se třídou do divadla.
- BcA. Zitová Marta – Dramatizace starověkých bájí a pověstí se začínající skupinou mladšího školního věku
- BcA. Marková Veronika – Vačice, která se nesmála
- BcA. Vltavská Šárka – Tvůrčí proces při práci na autorské inscenaci