- Bachelor Thesis Consultation
- Directing Workshop 1 (Course guarantor)
- Directing Workshop 2
- Directing Workshop 3 (Course guarantor)
- Directing Workshop 5
- Directing Workshop 6
- Directing Workshop 7
- Directing Workshop 8
- Master Thesis Consultation 1
- Master Thesis Consultation 2
- Pitching 2 - KR
- Preparation of graduation film
- Screenplay for Bachelor Film
- Script of the Graduation Film
- Video Documentary
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Jirásek Jakub – Krajina ve filmech Kelly Reichardt
- BcA. Vondrášek Damián – Dramaturgické postupy ve filmech Cornelia Porumboia
- MgA. Novotný Vojtěch – Cesty k celovečerním hraným debutům