- Basic photo chemistry 1
- Basic photo chemistry 2
- Basic photo chemistry 2
- Chemistry for conservators and restorers 1
- Colour photographic materials - processes, identification, degradation 1
- Drawing 3
- Drawing 4
- Exploration methods of photographic and film materials (Course guarantor)
- Fundamentals of chemistry and toxicology
- Historical photographic techniques 1
- Historical photographic techniques 3
- Historical photographic techniques 4
- Identification of photographic materials
- Introduction to the history, theory and ethics of conservation and restoration
- Management of photographic collections
- Paper Restoration
- Practical final exam 1
- Practical final exam 2
- Practical final exam 3
- Practical final exam 4
- Practice in archives
- Practice in the archive of the Department of Photography in Beroun (Course guarantor)
- Studio of Photography Restoration and Conservation 1
- Studio of Photography Restoration and Conservation 2 (Course guarantor)
- Studio of Photography Restoration and Conservation 3