

Optional Study Subjects

Code Course Name Language Instruction WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
202FAH1 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202FAH2 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 2 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202FAH3 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 3 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202FAH4 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 4 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202KOP1 Communication through Movement 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202KOP2 Communication through Movement 2 Czech ZK 2 2/T Register
202KIT3 Contact Improvisation / Dance Techniques 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202KIT4 Contact Improvisation / Dance Techniques 2 Czech ZK 2 2/T Register
202KIM1 Contact Improvisation 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202KIM2 Contact Improvisation 2 Czech ZK 2 2/T Register
202TTH1 Dance Techniques 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202TTH2 Dance Techniques 2 Czech ZK 2 2/T Register
202TTH3 Dance Techniques 3 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202TTH4 Dance Techniques 4 Czech ZK 2 2/T Register
202DJP5 Dialogue Acting and its Pedagogy 5 Czech Z 3 2/T Register
202DJP6 Dialogue Acting and its Pedagogy 6 Czech ZK 4 2/T Register
202FBT1 Fabulační trénink 1 Czech Z 3 2/T Z 3 2/T Register
202FME1 Feldenkrais Method 1 Czech Z 2 1/T Register
202FME2 Feldenkrais Method 2 Czech Z 2 1/T Register
202SHL5 Group Training of Voice Education 5 Czech Z 1 2/T Register
202SHL6 Group Training of Voice Education 6 Czech ZK 2 2/T Register
202IHV3 Individual Voice Education 3 Czech Z 2 1/T Register
202IHV4 Individual Voice Education 4 Czech ZK 2 1/T Register
202IHV5 Individual Voice Education 5 Czech Z 2 1/T Register
202IHV6 Individual Voice Education 6 Czech ZK 3 1/T Register
202ZDH1 Interest Workshop with the Guest Pedagogue 1 Czech Z 3 Register
202ZDH2 Interest Workshop with the Guest Pedagogue 2 Czech Z 3 Register
202ISM5 Interpretation Seminar 5 Czech Z 2 3/T Register
202ISM6 Interpretation Seminar 6 Czech ZK 3 3/T Register
202MOT1 Modern Dance 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202RZT1 Radio Work 1 Czech Z 2 Z 2 Register
202DIP1 Recital Workshop 1 Czech Z 3 Register
202DIP2 Recital Workshop 2 Czech Z 4 Register
202VPS1 Selected Chapters of Psychology 1 Czech Z 3 2/T Register
202VPS2 Selected Chapters of Psychology 2 Czech ZK 4 2/T Register
202VPS3 Selected Chapters of Psychology 3 Czech Z 3 2/T Register
202VPS4 Selected Chapters of Psychology 4 Czech ZK 4 2/T Register
202DAS1 Seminar of Theatre Anthropology 1 Czech ZK 3 3/T Register
202DAS2 Seminar of Theatre Anthropology 2 Czech ZK 3 3/T Register
202DAS3 Seminar of Theatre Anthropology 3 ZK 3 3/T Register
202DAS4 Seminar of Theatre Anthropology 4 ZK 3 3/T Register
202DPI1 Song Dramaturgy 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202DPI2 Song Dramaturgy 2 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202INP1 Song Interpretation 1 Czech ZK 3 1/T Register
202INP2 Song Interpretation 2 Czech Z 2 1/T Register
202VKR5 Speech Propedeutics 5 Czech Z 3 1/T Register
202VKR6 Speech Propedeutics 6 Czech ZK 4 1/T Register
202DAD1 Theatrical and Anthropological Workshop 1 Czech Z 3 Register
202DAD2 Theatrical and Anthropological Workshop 2 Czech Z 3 Register
202VIT1 Video Technology 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202VIT2 Video Technology 2 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202HLF1 Voice and Feldenkrais Method 1 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
202HLF2 Voice and Feldenkrais Method 2 Czech Z 2 2/T Register
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at