1. semester |
205XDPA1 |
Theatre Project I. 1 |
Z |
2 |
205XHPM1 |
Herecká propedeutika a metodika herecké práce 1 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPDA1 |
Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 1 |
Z |
3 |
205XDSC1 |
History of World and Czech Theatre 1 |
Z |
6 |
205XHVM1 |
Voice within Methodology 1 |
Z |
2 |
205XHRV1 |
Musical and Rhythmical Education 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XKTL1 |
Chapters from Theory of Literature 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPVM1 |
Movement within Methodology 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPXA1 |
Practice I. 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPML1 |
Předmět, maska, loutka - výtvarně dramatická propedeutika 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPSD1 |
Psychology and Drama in Education 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XROP1 |
Essay 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XUSD1 |
Introduction to Drama in Education 1 |
Z |
2 |
207ZDP1 |
Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 |
ZK |
2 |
Foreign Languages |
Z |
1 |
Total recommended number of credits per semester |
30 |
2. semester |
205XDPA2 |
Theatre Project I. 2 |
ZK |
3 |
205XHPM2 |
Herecká propedeutika a metodika herecké práce 2 |
ZK |
3 |
205XPDA2 |
Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 2 |
Z |
3 |
205XDSC2 |
History of World and Czech Theatre 2 |
ZK |
6 |
205XDES1 |
Children's Scene 1 |
Z |
2 |
205XHVM2 |
Voice within Methodology 2 |
Z |
2 |
205XHRV2 |
Musical and Rhythmical Education 2 |
ZK |
2 |
205XKTL2 |
Chapters from Theory of Literature 2 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPVM2 |
Movement within Methodology 2 |
Z |
2 |
205XPXA2 |
Practice I. 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XPML2 |
Předmět, maska, loutka - výtvarně dramatická propedeutika 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XPSD2 |
Psychology and Drama in Education 2 |
Z |
2 |
205XROP2 |
Essay 2 |
Z |
1 |
207ZDP2 |
Basics of Theatre Terminology 2 |
ZK |
2 |
Foreign Languages |
ZK |
2 |
Total recommended number of credits per semester |
30 |
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester |
34 |
3. semester |
205XDDV1 |
Didactics of Drama in Education 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XDPA3 |
Theatre Project I. 3 |
ZK |
2 |
205XHPM3 |
Herecká propedeutika a metodika herecké práce 3 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPDA3 |
Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 3 |
ZK |
4 |
205XZDR1 |
Introduction to Dramaturgy 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XDSC3 |
History of World and Czech Theatre 3 |
ZK |
3 |
205XDIS1 |
Graduation Theses Seminar 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XHEV1 |
Acting 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XHVM3 |
Voice within Methodology 3 |
Z |
2 |
205XLDM1 |
Literatura pro děti a mládež 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPED1 |
Pedagogy 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPVM3 |
Movement within Methodology 3 |
Z |
2 |
205XPXB1 |
Practice II. 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPVU1 |
Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XPSD3 |
Psychology and Drama in Education 3 |
ZK |
2 |
Foreign Languages |
Z |
1 |
Total recommended number of credits per semester |
30 |
4. semester |
205XDDV2 |
Didactics of Drama in Education 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XDPA4 |
Theatre Project I. 4 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPDB1 |
Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 1 |
Z |
3 |
205XZDR2 |
Introduction to Dramaturgy 2 |
ZK |
2 |
205XDSC4 |
History of World and Czech Theatre 4 |
ZK |
3 |
205XDES1 |
Children's Scene 1 |
Z |
2 |
205XDIS2 |
Graduation Theses Seminar 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XHEV2 |
Acting 2 |
Z |
2 |
205XHVM4 |
Voice within Methodology 4 |
Z |
2 |
205XLDM2 |
Literatura pro děti a mládež 2 |
ZK |
2 |
205XMDM1 |
Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 1 |
Z |
2 |
205XPED2 |
Pedagogy 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XPVM4 |
Movement within Methodology 4 |
Z |
2 |
205XPXB2 |
Practice II. 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XPVU2 |
Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XPMD1 |
Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 1 |
Z |
2 |
205XPRP1 |
Příprava a realizace divadelní přehlídky 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XSCH1 |
Stage Music 1 |
Z |
1 |
Foreign Languages |
ZK |
2 |
Total recommended number of credits per semester |
30 |
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester |
33 |
5. semester |
205XDDV3 |
Didactics of Drama in Education 3 |
Z |
1 |
205XDPA5 |
Theatre Project I. 5 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPDB2 |
Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 2 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPXC1 |
Practice III. 1 |
ZK |
2 |
205XZDR3 |
Introduction to Dramaturgy 3 |
ZK |
2 |
205XDSC5 |
History of World and Czech Theatre 5 |
ZK |
3 |
205XHEV3 |
Acting 3 |
Z |
1 |
205XHVM5 |
Voice within Methodology 5 |
Z |
1 |
205XHPL1 |
Playing with Object and Puppet 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XMDM2 |
Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 2 |
Z |
2 |
205XPED3 |
Pedagogy 3 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPVM5 |
Movement within Methodology 5 |
Z |
1 |
205XPXB3 |
Practice II. 3 |
Z |
1 |
205XPMD2 |
Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XPRP2 |
Příprava a realizace divadelní přehlídky 2 |
Z |
1 |
205XSCH2 |
Stage Music 2 |
Z |
1 |
Foreign Languages |
Z |
1 |
Total recommended number of credits per semester |
30 |
6. semester |
205XDDV4 |
Didactics of Drama in Education 4 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPDB3 |
Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 3 |
ZK |
3 |
205XPXC2 |
Practice III. 2 |
ZK |
2 |
205XDSC6 |
History of World and Czech Theatre 6 |
ZK |
3 |
205XDES1 |
Children's Scene 1 |
Z |
2 |
205XDSE1 |
Dramatization Seminar 1 |
ZK |
2 |
205XHEV4 |
Acting 4 |
ZK |
2 |
205XHVM6 |
Voice within Methodology 6 |
ZK |
2 |
205XHPL2 |
Playing with Object and Puppet 2 |
ZK |
2 |
205XKOM1 |
Communication 1 |
Z |
1 |
205XMDM3 |
Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 3 |
ZK |
3 |
205XPVM6 |
Movement within Methodology 6 |
ZK |
2 |
205XPXB4 |
Practice II. 4 |
Z |
1 |
205XPMD3 |
Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 3 |
ZK |
2 |
205XUTH1 |
Úvod do teorie a historie dramatické výchovy a dětského divadla 1 |
ZK |
2 |
Foreign Languages |
ZK |
2 |
Total recommended number of credits per semester |
30 |
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester |
33 |