
Ústav teorie scénické tvorby EN

Provided qualifications and study plans

Provided subjects

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
288DRS1 Doctoral and Disertation Seminar 1
Czech Z 15 academic year Subject is not scheduled
288DRS2 Doctoral and Disertation Seminar 2 Czech Z 15 academic year
288DRS3 Doctoral and Disertation Seminar 3 Czech Z 20 academic year
288DC2 Drama and Theatre in the Context of Czech Culture 2
Czech ZK 20 Subject is not scheduled
288DDC2 Drama and Theatre in the Context of Czech Culture 2 Czech ZK 12 academic year
288DDE2 Drama and Theatre in the Context of European Culture 2 Czech ZK 20 Subject is not scheduled
288DKK2 Drama and Theatre in the Context of European Culture 2 Czech ZK 12 academic year
288DRC1 Drama and Theatre inthe Context of Czech Culture 1
Czech ZK 20 Subject is not scheduled
288DDC1 Drama and Theatre inthe Context of Czech Culture 1
Czech ZK 12 academic year Subject is not scheduled
288DDE1 Drana and Theatre in the Context of European Culture 1
Czech ZK 20 Subject is not scheduled
288DKK1 Drana and Theatre in the Context of European Culture 1 Czech ZK 12 academic year
288DVOL1 Optional Subject
Czech ZK 15 Subject is not scheduled
288DVOL2 Optional Subject
Czech ZK 15 Subject is not scheduled
288VOD1 Optional Subject 1
Czech ZK 12 42SR academic year
288VOD2 Optional Subject 2 Czech ZK 12 42SR academic year
288PDP Pedagogical Practice
Czech ZK 15 academic year
288PDX Pedagogical Practice Czech ZK 10 academic year
288PUBC Research Paper Publishing
Czech ZK 15 Subject is not scheduled
288PUB Research Paper Publishing Czech ZK 10 academic year
288SCEN1 Scenology 1 Czech ZK 20 Subject is not scheduled
288SCE1 Scenology 1
Czech ZK 12 42SR academic year Subject is not scheduled
288SCE3 Scenology 1 Czech ZK 12 42SR academic year
288SCE2 Scenology 2 Czech ZK 12 42SR academic year
288SCEN Scenology 3 Czech ZK 20 Subject is not scheduled
288ZS Traineeship Abroad Czech ZK 15 Subject is not scheduled
288ZST Traineeship Abroad Czech ZK 12 academic year