Dissertation Thesis 1

Subject is not scheduled Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
180DITS1 credit 10 42 hours (45 min) of instruction per semester, 219 to 269 hours of self-study English, Czech academic year

Subject guarantor

Michal RATAJ

Name of lecturer(s)

Hanuš BARTOŇ, Slavomír HOŘÍNKA, Ivan KURZ, Luboš MRKVIČKA, Michal NEJTEK, Michal RATAJ


The subject provides Composition Department


Learning objective:

A subject in which the core theoretical part of the dissertation task is realized, usually oriented to the field of artistic research. The systematic research activity is confirmed by the completion of the text part of the dissertation assignment in the scope of at least 20 standard pages.

Thematic areas:

Music theoretical research, artistic research.

Learning outcomes

Prerequisites and other requirements



Source materials and professional literature related to the dissertation research, the list of which is continuously consulted with the supervisor and approved or supplemented annually by the departmental board.

All logistical and technological facilities of the Department of Composition of the HAMU, in particular: musical instruments, teaching and study rooms, two multimedia laboratories, extensive equipment storage, notographic technologies, doctoral faculty facilities.

Evaluation methods and criteria

Each year, the doctoral student presents the results of his/her research in the given academic year to the departmental board in accordance with his/her individual study plan. If necessary, the doctoral student shall justify changes from the originally envisaged plan of work.



Schedule for academic year 2024/25:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans