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Study plan Drama in Education – 1st year

Study type: Continuing Master's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Subject Didactics in the Context of Contemporary Pedagogical Discourse 205ODKP ZK 2 1PT+1ST
Group Theatre Project 205SDPR1 ZK 4 42DS
Theory and History of Drama Education and Theatre for Children 205THDV1 Z 2 1PT+1ST 205THDV2 ZK 3 1PT+1ST
Minimal number of credits per semester 2 9
Povinné předměty s možností opakovaného zapsání
Current Issues of Pedagogy and Didactics 205AOPD ZK 2 2PT
Creative Writing and Dramaturgical Practicum 205APDP Z 2 2ST
Children with Special Educational Needs and Drama Education 205DSVP1 Z 2 1PT+1ST
Diploma Seminar 205DSEM1 Z 2 1ST 205DSEM2 Z 3 2ST
Theatre and Education 205TEDV Z 2 2ST
Theatre for Children and a Child as a Spectator 205DPDE ZK 2 2ST
Theatre in Educational Practice 205DVVP Z 2 1PT+1ST
Drama Education with Specific Groups 205DVSS Z 1 1ST
Drama Education in an International Context 205DVMK ZK 2 1PT
Staging with a Selected Group 205INSP Z 4 5S+60P
Clinical Internship 205KSTZ Z 3 30S+20P
Literature in the Context of Drama Education 205LIDV1 Z 2 1PT+1ST 205LIDV2 ZK 3 1PT+1ST
Methodology of Art Research 205METV1 Z 2 1PT+1ST 205METV2 ZK 3 4S
Theatrical Thinking 1 205MYSD1 Z 2 1PT+1ST
Theatre Festival 205PREU Z 2 30P
Psychological Aspects of Contemporary Childhood and Adolescence 205PSYA Z 2 1PT+1ST
Psychosomatic workshop 205PSDD Z 1 2DT
Semiotics and Scenology of Behavior 205SEMS Z 2 1PT+1ST
Introduction to Directing 205UDRE Z 2 1PT+1ST
Minimal number of credits per semester 28 14
Compulsory optional subjects
Compulsory Optional Subjects In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 18 credits
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Optional subjects
Optional Study Subjects
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 30 23
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 0 7
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30

Subjects of profiling base

Subject Type During final examination the following will be evaluated
Group Theatre Project 1 (205SDPR1) PS Graduate performance
Autorial Art-pedagogical Project 1 (205AUPP1) PS Graduate performance
Autorial Art-pedagogical Project 2 (205AUPP2) PS Graduate performance
Group Theatre Project 2 (205SDPR2) PS Graduate performance
Diploma Seminar 1 (205DSEM1) BS Diploma thesis
Clinical Internship (205KSTZ) PS Graduate performance
Literature in the Context of Drama Education 1 (205LIDV1) BS Graduate performance
Methodology of Art Research 1 (205METV1) BS Diploma thesis
Theatre in Educational Practice (205DVVP) BS Graduate performance
Introduction to Directing (205UDRE) PS Graduate performance
Diploma Seminar 2 (205DSEM2) BS Diploma thesis
Literature in the Context of Drama Education 2 (205LIDV2) BS Graduate performance
Methodology of Art Research 2 (205METV2) PS Diploma thesis
Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 1 (205OBOR1) PS Graduate performance
Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 2 (205OBOR2) PS Graduate performance
Staging with a Selected Group (205INSP) PS Graduate performance
Current Issues of Pedagogy and Didactics (205AOPD) BS Theory and History of Drama Education, Pedagogy and Psychology (S205NTHDVPP)
Drama Education in an International Context (205DVMK) BS
Literature in the Context of Drama Education 1 (205LIDV1) BS
Literature in the Context of Drama Education 2 (205LIDV2) BS
Psychological Aspects of Contemporary Childhood and Adolescence (205PSYA) BS
Psychological Questions of Creativity and Art (205PSTU) BS
Staging with a Selected Group (205INSP) PS
Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 1 (205OBOR1) PS
Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 2 (205OBOR2) PS
Subject Didactics in the Context of Contemporary Pedagogical Discourse (205ODKP) BS
Theatre in Educational Practice (205DVVP) BS
Theory and History of Drama Education and Theatre for Children 1 (205THDV1) BS
Theory and History of Drama Education and Theatre for Children 2 (205THDV2) BS
Introduction to Directing (205UDRE) PS Theory and History of Theatre and Drama (S205NTHDD)
Literature in the Context of Drama Education 1 (205LIDV1) BS
Literature in the Context of Drama Education 2 (205LIDV2) BS
Staging with a Selected Group (205INSP) PS
Theatre for Children and a Child as a Spectator (205DPDE) BS
Theatre in Educational Practice (205DVVP) BS
Theatrical Thinking 1 (205MYSD1) BS
Theatrical Thinking 2 (205MYSD2) BS
Theory and History of Drama Education and Theatre for Children 1 (205THDV1) BS
Theory and History of Drama Education and Theatre for Children 2 (205THDV2) BS
Autorial Art-pedagogical Project 1 (205AUPP1) PS Didactics of Drama Education (S205NDDV)
Autorial Art-pedagogical Project 2 (205AUPP2) PS
Staging with a Selected Group (205INSP) PS
Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 1 (205OBOR1) PS
Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 2 (205OBOR2) PS
Subject Didactics in the Context of Contemporary Pedagogical Discourse (205ODKP) BS