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Study plan Music Production (Bc) - from 2022/23 – 2nd year

Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Required subjects
Copyright Law
305APR1 Z 1 2PT
History of Music 108DHB3 Z 3 2PT 108DHB4 ZK 3 2PT
Fundraising 110FUN ZK 2 1PT+1ST
Music and the Media 110HAME ZK 4 2PT
Music Industry 110HPR ZK 4 2PT
Organization of the Opera Operation 110OP1 Z 2 2PT
Writtenwork for the Year 110PR3 Z 2 1ST 110PR4 ZK 3 1ST
English for Music Management 702HPA3 Z 3 2ST 702HPA4 ZK 3 2ST
Psychology for Managers 110PMNG2 ZK 2 2PT
Composition Analysis for Music Production 108RSPP3 Z 2 2ST 108RSPP4 ZK 2 2ST
Sound Recording Production 171TZZ ZK 1 14PS
Minimal number of credits per semester 18 19
Required subjects with the possibility of repeat registration
Ethics 110ETI ZK 2 2PT
Music Production Organization 110HPOP3 Z 2 20S 110HPOP4 Z 2 20S
Law 305PRA2 ZK 3 305PRA3 ZK 3 2PT
Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses 108PTKP Z 1 1PT 108PTKP Z 1 1PT
Music Production Seminar 110SHPR3 Z 2 2ST 110SHPR4 Z 2 2ST
Minimal number of credits per semester 9 7
Required elective subjects
Druhý cizí jazyk - Hudební produkce In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 6 credits
In this group you have to complete throughout your study at least 4 subject
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Elective subjects
Selected Topics in Music Production (Bc) - elective
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 27 26
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 3 4
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30
① Druhý cizí jazyk - Hudební produkce [110DCJ]

Student si zvolí jeden jazyk, který absolvuje všechny 4 semestry.

① Selected Topics in Music Production (Bc) - elective [110HPBVV]

110HP4B - Další výběr je v celoškolní nabídce předmětů

② Physical Education - elective [703TVV]

Další výběr je v nabídce Centra pohybové přípravy, sportu a rehabilitace AMU.

Subjects of profiling base

Subject Type During final examination the following will be evaluated
Writtenwork for the Year 1 (110PR1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Writtenwork for the Year 2 (110PR2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Writtenwork for the Year 3 (110PR3) PS Bachelor's thesis
Writtenwork for the Year 4 (110PR4) PS Bachelor's thesis
Copyright Law 1 (305APR1) BS (S110APB)
Copyright Law 2 (305APR2) BS
History of Music 1 (108DHB1) BS Music History (S108DH)
History of Music 2 (108DHB2) BS
History of Music 3 (108DHB3) BS
History of Music 4 (108DHB4) BS
History of Music 5 (108DHB5) BS
Introduction to Management (110UMG) PS Music Production (S110HP)
Introduction to Music Production (110UHPR) PS
Music and the Media (110HAME) PS
Music Industry (110HPR) PS
Music Publishing (110HNA) PS
Production in Organizing and Agency Work 1 (110PPAZ1) PS
Production in Organizing and Agency Work 2 (110PPAZ2) PS
English for Music Management 1 (702HPA1) PS English for Theatre and Music Management (S110PA)
English for Music Management 2 (702HPA2) PS
English for Music Management 3 (702HPA3) PS
English for Music Management 4 (702HPA4) PS
English for Music Management 5 (702HPA5) PS
English for Music Management 6 (702HPA6) PS