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Study plan Nonverbal and Comedy Theatre and Theatre Theory (D)

Study type: PhD Programme
Study plan: overall | simplified
Code Course Name 1st year 2nd year 3rd year ECTS
Required main subjects
180DTMD History and theory of mime
Minimal number of credits 20
Required subjects with the possibility of repeat registration
180STE Seminar of Dance Esthetic
180SPEC* Specialization
180DPTU Dissertation - text part 40
180UVTU Artistic Performance 20
180VUOC Scientific, artistic and professional activities 25
Minimal number of credits 135
Required elective subjects
180 CJ2 Druhý cizí jazyk (D) In this group you have to obtain at least 10 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 subject
180 CJ1 První cizí jazyk (D) In this group you have to obtain at least 15 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 subject
Minimal number of credits 25
Total number of set credits 180
Number of credits that have to be obtained from optional subjects 0
Total number of credits 180

Studijní plán na dostudování

In addition you can enroll the following optional subjects:
List of faculty optional subjects
School Elective Courses

You can enroll the following courses during semester:
List of unscheduled subjects and modules