doc. MgA. Mgr. Michal ČUNDERLE, Ph.D.
- Artistic Practice 1
- Artistic Practice 2
- Authorial Presentation
- Authorial Presentation 1
- Authorial Presentation 1
- Authorial Presentation 2
- Authorial Presentation 2
- Authorial Presentation 3
- Authorial Presentation 3
- Authorial Presentation 4
- Authorial Presentation 5 (Course guarantor)
- Authorial Reading 2 (Course guarantor)
- Authorial Reading 2 (Course guarantor)
- Authorial Reading 4 (Course guarantor)
- Authorial Reading 4 (Course guarantor)
- Authorial Reading 6 (Course guarantor)
- Authorship and Psychosomatics 1
- Authorship and Psychosomatics 2
- Authorship and Psychosomatics 3
- Dialogical Acting Advanced - Optional
- Dialogical Acting and its Pedagogy 1
- Dialogical Acting and its Pedagogy 2
- Dialogical Acting and its Pedagogy 3
- Dialogical Acting and its Pedagogy 4
- Dialogical Acting with the Inner Partner 1
- Dialogical Acting with the Inner Partner 2
- Dialogical Acting with the Inner Partner 3
- Dialogical Acting with the Inner Partner 4
- Dialogical Acting with the Inner Partner 5
- Dialogical Acting with the Inner Partner 6
- Dissertation research 1
- Dissertation Research 2
- Dissertation research 3
- Dissertation research 4
- Doctoral Seminar 2
- Doctoral Seminar 3
- Doctoral Seminar 3
- Doctoral Student Symposium 4
- Doctoral Symposium 2
- Doctoral Symposium 3
- Introduction to Authorial Acting
- Introduction to Authorial Acting
- Introduction to Research Methodology
- Psychosomatic 2
- Research Practice 1
- Research Practice 2
- Speech as Acting
- Speech as Acting
- Speech as Active Communication 1
- Speech as Active Communication 1
- Speech as Active Communication 2
- Speech as Active Communication 2 (Course guarantor)
- Speech as Active Communication 3 (Course guarantor)
- Speech as Active Communication 3
- Speech as Active Communication 3 (Course guarantor)
- Speech as Active Communication 4 (Course guarantor)
- Speech as Active Communication 4
- Speech as Active Communication 4 (Course guarantor)
- Symposium of PhD students 1
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- Jirásková Helena – Ježek a čížek
- Marešová Martina – Přednes v pojetí Vítězslavy Fryntové
- MgA. Potužáková Markéta Ph.D. – Psáno ústy, čteno ušima
- Hamzová Pulicarová Irena Ph.D. – Směřování k naplněnému sdělení
- BcA. Koubová Karolína – Studium vs. praxe
- BcA. Petelíková Eva – Ivan Vyskočil a jeho pedagogika
- MgA. Tesařová Iva – Poezie v pedagogice
- MgA. Allen Janatová Taťána – Každodenní hrdinství
- MgA. Ilinskaya Olga – Jak animovat tělo?
- BcA. Janković Nikola – Drama identity
- Zajíček Pavel Ph.D. – Kurs Oslo
- BcA. Kulhavý Ondřej – Autorská režijní práce
- MgA. Klinger Vojtěch – Nedirektivní pedagogika v postmoderním světě
- MgA. Válková Julie – Role v divadelním a životním pojetí
- MgA. Besta Petr – Drama jako možná cesta k osobnostnímu rozvoji
- BcA. Štanclová Růžena – Jak to se mnou mluvíš?
- MgA. Zimmermann Václav – Můj případ Clifton
- Raisová Michaela Ph.D. – Mezi řečí
- BcA. Friedlaenderová Sára – Trochu jiná písnička
- MgA. Purmová Bára – Hra je hra je hra
- BcA. Doucha Martin – Play with me!
- MgA. Štauberová Markéta – Hlas autority
- BcA. Suchanová Simona – Fenomén ticha
- Zeman Vít Ph.D. – Jak se čte autor(sky)?