prof. PhDr. Jan HYVNAR, CSc.
- Chapters from the History of Non-Verbal Theatre 1
- Chapters from the History of Non-Verbal Theatre 2
- Chapters from the History of Non-Verbal Theatre 3
- Chapters from the History of Non-Verbal Theatre 4
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 1
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 2
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 3
- Dissertation - text part
- Lectures For Doctoral Students I. 1
- Lectures For Doctoral Students I. 2
- Lectures For Doctoral Students II.
- Preparation of diploma thesis 1
- Preparation of diploma thesis 2
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 1
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 2
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 3
- Selected Chapters of Dance History/ Non-Verbal Theatre
- Specialization 1
- Theory Non-Verbal Theatre 1
- Theory Non-Verbal Theatre 2
- Theory Non-Verbal Theatre 3
- Theory Non-Verbal Theatre 4
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- MgA. Jawor Maja Ph.D. – GŁOS I RUCH
- MgA. Vnouček Jonatan – Znak a jeho proměna v pouličním divadle
- BcA. Hudačková Katarína – Ľudské kuriozity
- BcA. Kupelyan Arman – Anatomie Smíchu
- MgA. Rozložníková Simona – Pedagogická metodika pantomímy Radima Vizváryho
- Strejčková Hana Ph.D. – Tělo a objekt ve fyzickém divadle.
- BcA. Vernerová Kateřina – Kdo je mim?