Mgr. Michal ŠIMŮNEK, Ph.D.
Teacher's web page
- Autumn master´s practical class: Creation of visual project
- Autumn master´s practical class: Theoretical introduction
- Autumn Master´s Practical Class: Theoretical Introduction
- Bachelors thesis seminar 1
- Bachelors thesis seminar 2
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2
- Contemporary photography and art 1
- Contemporary Photography and Art 1
- Contemporary photography and art 2
- Contemporary Photography and Art 2
- History and theory of photography 1
- History and Theory of Photography 1
- History and theory of photography 2
- History and Theory of Photography 2
- Master thesis seminar 1
- Master Thesis Seminar 1
- Master thesis seminar 2
- Master Thesis Seminar 2
- Spring master´s practical class: Theoretical introduction
- Spring Master´s Practical Class: Theoretical Introduction
- Summer master´s practical class: Theoretical introduction
- Summer Master´s Practical Class: Theoretical Introduction
- Texts and Contexts
- Texts and Contexts 1
- Texts and Contexts 2
- Winter master´s practical class: Theoretical introduction
- Winter Master´s Practical Class: Theoretical Introduction
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Sharova Taisiia – The Aesthetic of the Crime Scene Photography: The Case of Arthur “Weegee” Fellig
- BcA. Netočný Martin – Botanikova expanze
- BcA. Peguero Benjamin – Tanec, pohyb, fotografie
- BcA. Bonneau Camille – Teaching Strategies in Art Education
- Cevallos Juan David – Playing Against the Photoprogram
- BcA. Směták Adam – Vizuální reprezentace kultury původních obyvatel Kanady
- MgA. Pustina Petr – Klidná fotografie
- MgA. Casasola Carlos – One Hundred Years After: A Quest for a New Artistic Revolution in Mexico.
- MgA. Henninger Christian – Collaboration within Photography
- BcA. Ji Gayoun – To what extent can originality and authorship be defined with the interference of Artificial Intelligence?
- BcA. Sokolović Hana Selena – The Role of Humour in Bosnian Contemporary Art Practices
- BcA. Benish-Kalná Gabriela – Regenerative Art
- You Longyu – Plant porn
- BcA. Netočný Martin – Panteon světa a kaleidoskop v ruce
- BcA. Hons Jakub – Sociální média jako nástroj boje za sebeurčení
- MgA. Rolex Adam – Instantní fotografie v Československu a Čechách
- MgA. Liu Wenbin – Photographer's Unconscoius Images
- BcA. Gambhir Anushka – Social Media and Documentary Photography
- MgA. Nguyen Quynh – Break Time Exchanges
- BcA. Shishebarov Afanasii – Artificial spaces
- BcA. Holtzman Ava – Creatively Accessible:
- BcA. Hájková Natálie – Fotografický deník
- Mgr. Mikulková Kristýna – Porod v kontextu umění, vědy a populární kultury
- BcA. Pithartová Anežka – Současné fotografické zpracování rurálního života
- BcA. Pešková Natálie – Etické vlastnosti pornografie
- MgA. Cevallos Juan David – Masová fotografie, vizuální znečištění a krize antropocénu
- BcA. Palčič Eva – Fungi in Art
- MgA. Golisová Karina – Ešte nikdy som neodfotila svoju mamu.
- BcA. Kartashev Nikita – Antropologie virtuální fotografie
- BcA. Treťjačenko Nikolaj – Estetika amatérské fotografie, autenticita, současná módní fotografie
- MgA. Hořelka Radim – Vážně to chcete smazat?
- Malinová Světlana – Hledání malebna v kontextu české krajiny
- BcA. Gong Hanlu – On the meaning of cigarette smoking in fashion photography