Historical Dances 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107HT1 credit 2 2 exercise hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 32 to 42 hours of self-study Czech winter

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Dance of the French Renaissance - terminology and basic step study from Thoinot Arbeau's Orchesography. Reverance, double, simple, branle, reprise, cinq pas de galliarde, galliardove variations. Basse danse, tourdion, pavanne, galliarde, branles. Notation issues. Study of icongraphy.

Dance of the Italian Renaissance - terminology and basic step study according to books of F. Carosa and C. Negri. Selection of dances for performance, ex; Villanella, Bizzaria d'Amore. Ardente sole, Spagnoletta. Notation issues and iconography study.

Learning outcomes


The aim is to enable a deeper penetration into the area of so called historic dance from a practical perspective. To acquire the ability to dance well, perform the learned social dance choreographies of the last century. To learn the relationship of dance and music in rhythm, tempo and dynamic issues. To be aware of the relationship of movement technique, dance style and dance content. To acquire knowledge in dance notation interpretation.

Prerequisites and other requirements

Good physical fitness, movement coordination, feeling for music, knowedge of theory from history lectures (ex: Introduction to the History of Dance)


Kröschlová, Eva: Dobové tance 16. až 19. století. SPN Praha 1981

Rumlová, Gabriela: Historické tance XV. až XVII. století. SPN Praha 1981

Van Winkle Keller, Kate-Shimer, Genevieve: The Playford Ball. The Country Dance and the Society. London 1990

Taubert, Karl Heinz: Höfische Tänze. Ihre Geschichte und Choreographie. Mainz 1968

Wood, Melusine: Historical Dances 12th to 19th Century. C.W. Beaumont, London 1952

Wortelboer, Dorothée: Celeste giglio, Flowers of 16th Century Dance, Tactus Music, Amsterdam, 1996

Evaluation methods and criteria

Credit conditions are: class participation, preparations linked to repeating material and study of professional writings. Presentation of studied dances.


This course may be repeated. Very important also for musicians and all artists interested in culture of the past centuries.

Further information

Course may be repeated

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans