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Simplified study plan Conducting (Bc)

Study of qualification: Conducting Department of Conducting
Study programme: Art of Music Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
Code Course Name Completion Credits
1. semester
102DS1 Choir Conducting 1 Z 2
102SD1 Conducting Seminar 1 Z 2
102SOR1 Orchestral Repertoire Study 1 Z 2
102SSR1 Choir Repertoire Study 1 Z 2
108DHU1 Music History 1 Z 4
102HV1 Voice Training 1 Z 1
102HP1 Score Playing - (Conducting) 1 Z 1
101IN1 Instrumentation 1 Z 1
102MT1 Manual Technique 1 Z 1
102SA1 Aural Analysis 1 Z 1
102SOP1 Opera Repertoire Study 1 Z 2
186STS1 Compositions Study 1 Z 3
102TDS1 Choir Conducting Theory 1 Z 1
186TS1 Theory of Composition 1 Z 2
Foreign language (Bc) - required elective Z 1
Selected Topics in Conducting (Bc) - elective
Foreign language - elective
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
2. semester
102DS2 Choir Conducting 2 ZK 2
102SD2 Conducting Seminar 2 Z 2
102SOR2 Orchestral Repertoire Study 2 ZK 2
102SSR2 Choir Repertoire Study 2 ZK 2
108DHU2 Music History 2 ZK 4
102HV2 Voice Training 2 Z 1
102HP2 Score Playing - (Conducting) 2 ZK 1
101IN2 Instrumentation 2 ZK 1
102MT2 Manual Technique 2 Z 1
102SA2 Aural Analysis 2 ZK 1
102SOP2 Opera Repertoire Study 2 ZK 2
186STS2 Compositions Study 2 ZK 3
102TDS2 Choir Conducting Theory 2 Z 1
186TS2 Theory of Composition 2 ZK 2
Foreign language (Bc) - required elective ZK 2
Selected Topics in Conducting (Bc) - elective
Foreign language - elective
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
3. semester
102DO1 Orchestra Conducting 1 Z 2
102SDI3 Conducting Seminar 3 Z 2
102SOR3 Orchestral Repertoire Study 3 Z 2
102SSR3 Choir Repertoire Study 3 Z 2
108DHU3 Music History 3 Z 4
102HV3 Voice Training 3 Z 1
102HP3 Score Playing - (Conducting) 3 Z 1
101IN3 Instrumentation 3 Z 1
108PTKP Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses Z 1
102SA3 Aural Analysis 3 Z 1
102SOP3 Opera Repertoire Study 3 Z 2
186STS3 Compositions Study 3 Z 3
102TDO1 Symphony Orchestra Conducting Theory 1 Z 1
186TS3 Theory of Composition 3 Z 2
Foreign language (Bc) - required elective Z 1
Selected Topics in Conducting (Bc) - elective
Foreign language - elective
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
4. semester
102DO2 Orchestra Conducting 2 ZK 2
102SDI4 Conducting Seminar 4 Z 2
102SOR4 Orchestral Repertoire Study 4 ZK 2
102SSRE4 Choir Repertoire Study 4 ZK 6
108DHU4 Music History 4 ZK 4
102HV4 Voice Training 4 Z 1
102HP4 Score Playing - (Conducting) 4 ZK 1
101IN4 Instrumentation 4 ZK 1
108PTKP Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses Z 1
102SA4 Aural Analysis 4 ZK 1
102SOP4 Opera Repertoire Study 4 ZK 2
186STS4 Compositions Study 4 ZK 3
102TDO2 Symphony Orchestra Conducting Theory 2 Z 1
186TS4 Theory of Composition 4 ZK 2
Foreign language (Bc) - required elective ZK 2
Selected Topics in Conducting (Bc) - elective
Foreign language - elective
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester 31
5. semester
102DO3 Orchestra Conducting 3 Z 4
102SD5 Conducting Seminar 5 Z 2
102SOK1 Oratorio and Cantata Repertoire Study 1 Z 3
102SOR5 Orchestral Repertoire Study 5 Z 4
108DHU5 Music History 5 ZK 4
108HES1 Music Aesthetics 1 Z 5
102OL1 Opera Literature 1 Z 1
102OVK1 Opera Performance, Coaching 1 Z 1
108PTKP Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses Z 1
102SOP5 Opera Repertoire Study 5 Z 4
102TDO3 Symphony Orchestra Conducting Theory 3 Z 1
Theoretical Foundation (Bc) - required elective for the 3rd year of studies Z 1
Selected Topics in Conducting (Bc) - elective
Foreign language - elective
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester 31
6. semester
102DO4 Orchestra Conducting 4 Z 5
102SD6 Conducting Seminar 6 Z 2
102SOK2 Oratorio and Cantata Repertoire Study 2 Z 4
102SOR6 Orchestral Repertoire Study 6 ZK 4
108HES2 Music Aesthetics 2 ZK 5
102OL2 Opera Literature 2 Z 1
102OVK2 Opera Performance, Coaching 2 ZK 1
102SOP6 Opera Repertoire Study 6 ZK 4
102TDO4 Symphony Orchestra Conducting Theory 4 Z 1
Theoretical Foundation (Bc) - required elective for the 3rd year of studies ZK 1
Selected Topics in Conducting (Bc) - elective
Foreign language - elective
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Generated on 2017-07-03