Dance Interpretation Practice 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107INP2 exam 2 2 hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 29 to 39 hours of self-study Czech summer

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The subject provides Dance Department


Study of basic steps and movment of the arms (port de bras) styling of „la belle danse“ and its terminology. Pas de bourree, pas grave, coupe, demi-coupe, pas de galliarde, contretemps de gavotte, pas de menuet, contretemps de menuet, jete chasse, pas tortille and their combinations. Opposing arms, poignets dessu, poignets dessous, retour dessou, entendu, double opposition. Movement of the arms in a menuet and courante. Issues in the notation of Baroque dance systems Feuillet notation. Instruction in basic principles and their application on particular step material. Practice of selected dances from Feuillet's notation repertoire, ex; Menuet a deux, G.L. Pecour; Bourree d'Achille, G.L. Pecour; Gigue a deux, R.A. Feuillet.

Learning outcomes

To expand knowledge and skills from the previous semester. To increase sensitivity for dance styles and acquire an ability to interpret a given choreography at a good level. To cultivate movement memory and orientation in a space. To know how to notate basic dance steps in Beuchamp-Feuillet notation.

Prerequisites and other requirements

Completion of Interpretation 1. Good physical condition.


Kröschlová, Eva: Dobové tance 16. až 19. století. SPN Praha 1981

Van Winkle Keller, Kate-Shimer, Genevieve: The Playford Ball. The Country

Dance and the Society. London 1990

Taubert, Karl Heinz: Höfische Tänze. Ihre Geschichte und Choreographie.

Mainz 1968

Wood, Melusine: Historical Dances 12th to 19th Century. C.W. Beaumont

London 1952

Wood, Melusine: More Historical Dances. C.W. Beaumont London 1956

Kazárová, Helena: Feuilletova taneční notace jako prostředek pro rekonstrukci,

analýzu a zápis tanců ve stylu 18. století. In: Tanec, analýza,

pojmy. Sborník II. Etnochoreologické konference, ČSAV

Praha 2004

Kazárová, Helena: Barokní taneční formy. AMU 2005

Behr, Samuel: L´art de bien danser.Die Kunst wohl zu tantzen. Leipzig 1713

Feuillet, Auger: Chorégraphie ou l´art décrire la danse a Paris 1700

Evaluation methods and criteria

Condtions for credit are: class participation, preparations at home related to reviewing the material and study of trade literature. Presentation of the studied dances before and audience.


This course may be repeated.

Further information

Course may be repeated

Schedule for winter semester 2024/2025:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2024/2025:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans