prof. Mgr. Václav JANEČEK, Ph.D.
- Another industry- subject study (Course guarantor)
- Artistic, professional, scientific and educational activities (Course guarantor)
- Artistic Performance (Course guarantor)
- Bachelor Preparatory Work 1
- Bachelor Preparatory Work 1
- Basic of Dance Aesthetics 1
- Basics of Dance Production and Dramaturgy 1
- Classical Dance (Dance Education) 1 (Course guarantor)
- Classical Dance (Dance Education) 2 (Course guarantor)
- Classical Dance 1 (Course guarantor)
- Classical Dance Training 1
- Classical Dance Training 2
- Communication and Media 1
- Communication and Media 2
- Dance Aesthetics 1 (Course guarantor)
- Dance Aesthetics 2 (Course guarantor)
- Dance Interpretation Practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Dance Interpretation Practice 2 (Course guarantor)
- Didactics and Methodology for Classical Dance 1
- Didactics and Methodology for Classical Dance 2
- Didactics and Methodology of Classical Ballet Technique 1
- Didactics and Methodology of Classical Ballet Technique 2 (Course guarantor)
- Disertation - text part (Course guarantor)
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 1 (Course guarantor)
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 2 (Course guarantor)
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 3 (Course guarantor)
- Dissertation - text part
- Dissertation - text part (Course guarantor)
- Facial expression , gesture and voice work
- Graduate Preparatory Work 1
- Graduate Preparatory Work 2
- Graduate Preparatory Work 4
- History and theory of mime
- Introduction to Dance Education 1 (Course guarantor)
- Introduction to Dance Education 1
- Lectures For Doctoral Students I. 1
- Lectures For Doctoral Students I. 2
- Lectures For Doctoral Students II.
- Master's Seminar - Thesis Preparation 1 (Course guarantor)
- Master's Seminar - Thesis Preparation 2 (Course guarantor)
- Master's Seminar - Thesis Preparation 4 (Course guarantor)
- Pedagogical Seminar for Classical Dance 1
- Pedagogical Seminar for Classical Dance 2
- Practical Workshop - Stage Technology (Course guarantor)
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities (Course guarantor)
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 1
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 2
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 3
- Selected Lectures from Systematic Dance Scholarship A1 (Course guarantor)
- Selective Didactics and Methodology 1
- Selective Didactics and Methodology 2
- Seminar of Dance Esthetic (Course guarantor)
- Seminar of Dramaturgy in Practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Seminar of Dramaturgy in Practice 2 (Course guarantor)
- Specialization 1 (Course guarantor)
- Specialization 2 (Course guarantor)
- Training of Classical Ballet Technique 1
- Training of Classical Ballet Technique 2
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Lacová Martina – Terre a terre v technice klasického tance
- BcA. Ličková Gabriela – Sedm druhů pohybů klasického tance
- BcA. Bočková Šárka – Současný klasický tanec Williama Forsytha
- BcA. Gajerová Vítězslava – Osobnost Wilfride Piollet
- BcA. Nálevková Petra – Osobní zkušenost tanečníka v představení Ohada Naharina
- BcA. Surková Aneta – Emoce v práci tanečního pedagoga
- Roth Elblová Markéta Ph.D. – Franklinova metoda a její integrace do techniky klasického tance
- BcA. Knápek Ondřej – Osobnost pánského pedagoga v hodinách klasického tance
- BcA. Jo Soojin – Study Conditions in Dance Education in Republic of Korea and The Czech Republic
- BcA. Hanousková Kateřina – Hlas, řeč: nepostradatelný nástroj pedagoga
- BcA. Smělá Barbora – Prvky adagia v kontextu s pas de deux
- MgA. Mikysková Barbara Ph.D. – Poruchy přijmu potravy u tanečníků
- BcA.MgA. Ličková Gabriela – Mužský a ženský prvek v klasickém tanci
- BcA.MgA. Červíčková Pavlína – Balanchine technique-allegro
- BcA. Lafková Šárka Isabela – Současné přístupy k výuce taneční výchovy ve vybraných institucích v Praze
- BcA. Babická Ivana – Domácí prostředí žáků v tanečních rodinách
- BcA. Králová Barbora – Olga Borissová-Pračíková (tanečnice a pedagožka)
- MgA. Kolda Martin – Problematika tanečního managementu
- BcA. Grabcová Eliška – Jerome Robbins - základní teze jeho přínosu v klasickém tanci
- Ing.BcA. Nováková Pavla – Životospráva tanečníka jako součást taneční medicíny
- BcA. Červinka Marek – Profil a reflexe tanečního oddělení Julliard school
- BcA. Adam Jan – Luboš a Miroslav Hajnovi
- MgA. Seidlerová Nicole – New York City jako taneční fenomén
- MgA. Dvořáková Petra – The Royal Ballet School
- BcA. Jedličková Markéta – Častá zranění pohybového aparátu studentů tanečních konzervatoří