Optional Study Subjects

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
202FHM1 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 1
Czech Z 3 3T winter Subject is not scheduled
202FHM2 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 2 Czech Thu
Z 3 3T summer
202FAH3 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 3
Czech Z 2 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
202FAH4 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 4 Czech Thu
Z 2 2T summer
202AKT1 Authorial Condition while Working on Text
Czech Z 2 32DS winter Subject is not scheduled
202AKT2 Authorial Condition while Working on Text 2 Czech Z 2 32DS summer
202APN3 Authorial Presentation 3 Czech ZK 3 2T summer
202PRN Changes of Authorship Czech Fri
ZK 3 2T winter and summer
202KSP Creative workshop for the Velvet Carnival English, Czech Z 3 2DT winter
202DTB1 Dramaturgy of Authorial Text 1 Czech Z 2 2T winter
202DTT2 Dramaturgy of Authorial Text 2 Czech Wed
Z 2 2T summer
202EXH1 Experimenting with Actor's Creation 1 Czech Z 3 4T winter
202EXH2 Experimenting with Actor's Creation 2 Czech Thu
Z 3 4T summer
202FME1 Feldenkrais Method 1 English, Czech Z 2 2T winter
202FME2 Feldenkrais Method 2 English, Czech Tue
Z 2 2T summer
202PJV1 From Conscious Movement to Creation 1 English, Czech Z 2 2T winter
202PJV2 From Conscious Movement to Creation 2 English, Czech Mon
Velký taneční sál
ZK 2 2T summer
202ILM3 Individual Voice Education 3 Czech Z 2 1T winter
202ILN4 Individual Voice Education 4 Czech see detail ZK 2 1T summer
202ZHP1 Interest Workshop with the Guest Pedagogue 1 Czech 14:30–17:30
Z 2 24CS winter and summer
202ZHP2 Interest Workshop with the Guest Pedagogue 2 Czech Z 2 24CS winter and summer
202ZHP3 Interest Workshop with the Guest Pedagogue 3 Czech Z 2 24CS winter and summer
202EIC1 Interpretation Seminar 1 English Z 2 2T winter
202EIC2 Interpretation Seminar 2 English ZK 2 2T summer
202DPI1 Song Dramaturgy 1 Czech Z 2 2T winter
202DPI2 Song Dramaturgy 2 Czech Tue
Z 2 2T summer
202INP Song Interpretation Czech ZK 3 1T winter
202EAD1 Theatrical and Anthropological Workshop 1 English, Czech Z 2 20S summer
202PVK1 Training for Movement 1 English, Czech Z 2 2T winter
202PVK2 Training for Movement 2 English, Czech Wed
Velký taneční sál
Z 2 2T summer
202PRV1 Working with the Verse 1 Czech Z 2 1T winter
202PRV2 Working with the Verse 2 Czech Tue
Z 2 1T summer