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Study plan Drama in Education – 1st year

Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Required main subjects
Theatre Project I
205DPPRA ZK 4 60DS
Ensemble workshop
205SOPP Z 3 60DS
Minimal number of credits per semester 3 4
Required subjects with the possibility of repeat registration
Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 207DZA1 ZK 3 2PT 207DZA2 ZK 3 2PT
Acting Propaedeutics
205HEPP1 Z 1 2CT 205HEPP2 Z 1 2CT
Voice Education and Its Methodology
205HLMP1 Z 1 2CT 205HLMP2 Z 1 2CT
Musical and Rhythmical Education
205HUDP1 Z 1 2CT 205HUDP2 ZK 2 1CT
Chapters from the Theory of Literature
205KAPP1 Z 1 2ST 205KAPP2 ZK 2 1ST
Critical Seminar
205KRITP Z 2 50SS
Literature for Children and Youth
205LITP1 Z 1 2ST
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth
205MDPP1 Z 1 2ST
205PEDP1 Z 1 1ST
Movement Education and Its Methodology
205POMP1 Z 1 2CT 205POMP2 Z 1 2CT
Practicum of Drama Education - Drama Games and Improvisation
205PDIR1 Z 1 3DT 205PDIR2 Z 2 3DT
Practice I - Observational
205POBP1 Z 1 6SS+12P 205POBP2 Z 1 6SS+12P
Professional Ethics
205PREP ZK 2 1ST
Psychology and Drama Education
205PSYP1 Z 2 2ST 205PSYP2 Z 2 2ST
205ROCP ZK 2
Introduction to Scenography I
205SCEPA Z 2 2ST
Introduction to Drama Education
205UVDVP Z 1 1ST
Art-dramatic Propaedeutics
205VDPP1 Z 1 2DT 205VDPP2 Z 1 1DT
Basics of Theatre Terminology 207ZDP1 ZK 2 2T 207ZDP2 ZK 2 2T
Basics of Dramaturgy
205ZADP1 Z 2 2ST
English for Students of Theatre 702DAOU1 ZK 3 2ST 702DAOU2 ZK 3 2ST
Minimal number of credits per semester 21 32
Required elective subjects
Compulsory Optional Subjects 2 In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 6 credits
Compulsory Optional Subjects 1 In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 24 36
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 6 -6
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30

Subjects of profiling base

Subject Type During final examination the following will be evaluated
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 4 (205MDPP4) PS Bachelor's thesis
Practice III - Final Bachelor Project 2 (205PPZP2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Practice I - Observational 1 (205POBP1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 1 (205MDPP1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Practice I - Observational 2 (205POBP2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Literature for Children and Youth 1 (205LITP1) BS Bachelor's thesis
Practicum of Drama Education - Structured Drama 1 (205PSDP1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 2 (205MDPP2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Literature for Children and Youth 2 (205LITP2) BS Bachelor's thesis
Diploma Seminar 1 (205DISP1) BS Bachelor's thesis
Practicum of Drama Education - Structured Drama 2 (205PSDP2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 3 (205MDPP3) PS Bachelor's thesis
Diploma Seminar 2 (205DISP2) BS Bachelor's thesis
Practice III - Final Bachelor Project 1 (205PPZP1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Dramatisation Seminar (205DRMSP) PS Bachelor's thesis
Theatre Project I (205DPPRA) PS Bachelor's thesis
Theatre Project II (205DPPRB) PS Bachelor's thesis
Practicum of Drama Education - Structured Drama 3 (205PSDP3) PS Bachelor's thesis
Practicum of Drama Education - Drama Games and Improvisation 1 (205PDIR1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Practicum of Drama Education - Drama Games and Improvisation 2 (205PDIR2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Practicum of Drama Education - Dramatic Games and Improvisation 3 (205PDIR3) PS Bachelor's thesis
Basics of Dramaturgy 1 (205ZADP1) BS Theory and History of Theatre (S205BTHD)
Basics of Dramaturgy 2 (205ZADP2) BS
Basics of Dramaturgy 3 (205ZADP3) BS
Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 (207ZDP1) BS
Basics of Theatre Terminology 2 (207ZDP2) BS
Chapters from the Theory of Literature 2 (205KAPP2) BS
Introduction to Scenography II (205SCEPB) PS
Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 (207DZA1) BS
Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2 (207DZA2) BS
Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 1 (207DZB1) BS
Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 (207DZB2) BS
Theatre in the Czech Culture 1 (207DCK1) BS
Theatre in the Czech Culture 2 (207DCK2) BS
Theatre Project I (205DPPRA) PS
Theatre Project II (205DPPRB) PS
Basics of the Theory and History of Drama Education and Children's Theatre (205ZDVP) BS Theory and History of Drama Education, Pedagogy and Psychology (S205BTDVPP)
Chapters from the Theory of Literature 1 (205KAPP1) BS
Chapters from the Theory of Literature 2 (205KAPP2) BS
Didactics of Drama Education 1 (205DDVP1) BS
Didactics of Drama Education 2 (205DDVP2) BS
Didactics of Drama Education 3 (205DDVP3) PS
Didactics of Drama Education 4 (205DDVP4) BS
Dramatisation Seminar (205DRMSP) PS
Introduction to Drama Education (205UVDVP) BS
Literature for Children and Youth 1 (205LITP1) BS
Literature for Children and Youth 2 (205LITP2) BS
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 1 (205MDPP1) PS
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 2 (205MDPP2) PS
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 3 (205MDPP3) PS
Methodology of Theatre Work with Children and Youth 4 (205MDPP4) PS
Pedagogy 1 (205PEDP1) BS
Pedagogy 2 (205PEDP2) BS
Pedagogy 3 (205PEDP3) BS
Practice III - Final Bachelor Project 1 (205PPZP1) PS
Practice III - Final Bachelor Project 2 (205PPZP2) PS
Practice I - Observational 1 (205POBP1) PS
Practice I - Observational 2 (205POBP2) PS
Practicum of Drama Education - Drama Games and Improvisation 1 (205PDIR1) BS
Practicum of Drama Education - Drama Games and Improvisation 2 (205PDIR2) PS
Practicum of Drama Education - Dramatic Games and Improvisation 3 (205PDIR3) PS
Practicum of Drama Education - Structured Drama 1 (205PSDP1) PS
Practicum of Drama Education - Structured Drama 2 (205PSDP2) PS
Practicum of Drama Education - Structured Drama 3 (205PSDP3) PS
Psychology and Drama Education 1 (205PSYP1) BS
Psychology and Drama Education 2 (205PSYP2) BS
Psychology and Drama Education 3 (205PSYP3) BS
Recitation Methodology (205METP) PS
Reflective Seminar for Practice 1 (205REFP1) PS
Reflective Seminar for Practice 2 (205REFP2) PS